Not of events but of their meanings... (Article by Yuri Lutsenko, march 2019)

Sep 15, 2019 20:26

Not of Events but of Their Meanings…

While reminiscing about the coming of Jesus Christ and His unsurpassed heroic act, the overwhelming majority of people perceives it as the times gone with the wind, as something that happened a very long time ago. However, it is not so. The process goes on continuously, here and now, and every day for the past two thousand years.

His teaching penetrates the soul and operates in it, that is if the soul is alive and has faith.

God is with us if, besides traditional Lent, austerity, regular church attendance, and symbolic communion via bread and wine, we gradually learn the Laws of God and indeed start following Them, meaning we perform the actual communion with the Laws. Then, as we get closer to the absolute obedience of the Laws, our spiritual “I” slowly transforms into a real human of high moral standing, who takes responsibility for his actions. This spiritual transformation is the true purpose of our existence on Earth, the essence and goal of evolution.

The obstacles on this road are spiritual laziness, lack of faith, will, patience, and humility before harsh retribution for our sins, as well as the absence of understanding of the primary critical points of religion.

Ignorance ultimately leads a person to search for someone to blame for one’s problems. Thus, one postures and takes the wrong stance towards the world.

Entrusting one’s intellect and making it the superior guide, man forgets about his spiritual origin and becomes a slave to his mistakes - sins. Thus, he forfeits his right to a happy fortune, which can only appear as a result of following the Laws. “Very truly I tell you, everyone who sins is a slave to sin.” John, 8:34.

Unlawfulness (sinfulness) in the perfect world made by the Creator is punishable, and the villains, sooner or later, are doomed to misfortunes and, eventually, to obliteration. What people perceive as injustice, is merely retribution for their mistakes. The perfection of the Creator excludes any injustice by default. The masses, comprising the concept of “nation”, are not concerned with living in accordance with the Laws, or they do not know how to do it, which brings out the growing evil on planet Earth worldwide.

If you consider yourself a believer, it is your duty to understand the essence of the teaching of Christ, which cannot exist outside of logic.

Blind faith equals ignorance. “They are blind guides. If the blind lead the blind, both will fall into a pit.” Matthew, 15:27.

“You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” John, 8:32.

Set you free from what? From your sins and their consequences, and otherwise inevitable adverse life events. For that, one must merely stop being lazy and start searching. “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.” Matthew, 7:7.

The entire essence of religion comes down to only a few phrases:

  1. “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment.” Matthew, 22:37, 38.

  2. What is love for God? “If you love Me, keep My commands.” John, 14:15 as well as 14:21, 14:23, 15:10.

  3. “Anyone who does not love Me will not obey my teaching.” John, 14:24.

  4. “For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.” Matthew, 6:14, 15.

This quote of Christ describes the mode of redemption for one’s sins.

It is important to note that the false teachers of all times and places battle with the Truth because they will lose too much in case of its victory. This was proven by the fact of intolerance of the religious leaders of that time towards Christ. Nowadays, not much has changed. The new messiah will also undergo slander and persecutions.

Let’s bullet point a few issues:

  • Are there decent and honest people in the world who are willing to evolve spiritually? Of course, there are!

  • Are there believers who cannot settle with blind faith and who are trying to understand the essence of religion? Yes, there are.

  • Is there a religion among numerous Christian confessions that brought people to faith, obeying the commandments, and prosperity?

  • Are there any priests or spiritual leaders who not only took on a role of the guides to the Kingdom of Heaven but also actually provided that entrance? Perhaps, there are.

My goal is to deliver in a simple and understandable form the information about artificially created interferences on the road to spiritual evolution.

Let’s find our way out of the labyrinth of misconceptions and finally recognize who is our enemy versus our friend.

Even while reading the Bible (the New Testament), it is imperative not to let yourselves drown in the archaic literature. Instead, we must be able to discern in those texts what is from Christ and what is from people - the interpreters and commentators of the scripture. And only personal experience, of course, with the help of God’s Will, will allow us to get a sense of the right path.

A man who gained faith in the Creator and entered a battle with his sins, therefore, chose the Light and came under Its Protection.

So, where do we begin?

Yuri Lutsenko, March 2019.

English version of lectures and articles can be found on the YouTube channel: Pita Chock1

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