Oct 28, 2006 21:48
i need to get away from things for a while. i have too many pointless problems piling up on one-another, ultimately forming a huge problematic...problem. i'm so numb lately. i cant express myself at all, physically or emotionally. my social skills are shot, and my relationships with people are just going downhill. i cant balance my friendhips and make time for everyone. i depend on my immediate feelings for people too much, and get really hurt when things dont go how i'm lead to expect them to. i overplan things and expect too much, and regret alot of the things i do when they should just be things i blow off, mostly because i dont know how to act around different people all the time. im so accustomed to my friends and my lifestyle, and when i'm put in other positions i can't adapt. i have such a problem dealing with the fact that no everyone will accept you for who you are, and its not always possible to change to fit someone's desired image of you. its not always right to change to fit that image either. i need to get away from everything soon or i'm gonna break down. and i need to change how i've been living. i'm doing stupid things, and everything's just getting blown out of proportion and out of hand.