Nov 23, 2010 21:21

Abecedarian - primary, beginner, elementary

Ma’am V. One of the things that I miss about our previous English teacher concerns this word. Whenever Ma’am V would feel that the lesson is too easy - I know, right? - she’d skip it and move on with another topic. I remember her familiar voice saying ‘It’s too abecedarian. Too elementary. There’s no need for me to discuss this.’ Admittedly, we’d mimic her high-pitched voice whenever she wasn’t around and utter the same words sarcastically, really meaning that the lesson was too hard and hating her for her overestimation of us. We’d mimic her overly energetic actions, her slang, her little nicknames for us; we’d get mad at her for giving us projects that are annoyingly difficult, we’d hate her for her favoritism for the Fourth Years before us, we’d despise her because she seems to want us to make fools of ourselves in front of many people… but even through all that, we (or at least I) had to admit that she was the best teacher and class adviser we ever had.

We miss you Ma’am V - or Miss J, as she likes to be called since Ma’am sounds old xDD I wish you would come back. English seems so much more fun with you. Plus, your lessons never make me and a few other students sleepy. Though, you always did like to roam around and call our names randomly while discussing so it’s hard to feel sleepy.

P.S. I never knew that this *gestures to the title* was how abecedarian was spelled. I thought it was abiscidarian. Ah, Ms J.

school, memories

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