Another Manic Monday

Nov 21, 2010 21:15

Weekends should be longer. Two days isn’t enough to compensate for the five days of endless brainwashing learning! *sigh* Okay, I’ll say it for the nth time already. I HATE MONDAYS! It’s the beginning of another dreadful school week and most teachers (and students) are cranky on Mondays, at least that’s what I think. Then there’s the whole flag ceremony thing that we seniors almost always lead. Though, admittedly, a few months back, the juniors were always the ones leading the flag ceremony so I guess it’s somewhat fair that it’d be our turn to lead the FC. But I wish my other classmates would actually come to school early on Monday so that the usual group (which unfortunately involves me) won’t be the only ones to lead it. I’m always the one to lead the opening prayer >__< Thank god my stuttering has quieted down a bit. At least I hope it did.

This coming Monday will be a little different. Not good different. Horrible different. Well, not entirely anyway. This Monday will be the first day of the three-day Monthly Exams. Ugh, what a pain. Thankfully, we won’t have Values and A.P. tomorrow so I think we’ll only have Math and Science. The first day’s schedule is something like this: AP, Values & Math. Our Science teacher decided to have our exams tomorrow because our retreat will be on this upcoming Wednesday, which I’ll talk about later.

Our TLE teacher also said that we’d have our test on Monday but I’m not so sure. We have TLE on Monday but, apparently, the teachers will have a meeting on Monday afternoon. Specifically on three o’clock onwards. TLE will be our second to the last subject, meaning our TLE will be at… three o’clock! So sir can’t possibly let us take the exam! But… our TLE teacher is a little unpredictable - if not mean - so I don’t know what stunt he’ll try to pull or if he’d just drop it and let us be. I sure hope sir will choose the latter.

I’ve already mentioned this on my previous text post but I’ll say it again anyway since I’m so gosh-darned giddy about it. Our retreat will be on Wednesday! Yay!! Two days away from home, school, and probably civilization xDD I can’t wait for it. I bet the teachers can’t wait for it too. Our English teacher even told us that the teachers are praying that us Seniors will change for the better after the retreat. When we heard this, we looked at each other for a while and LOLed. Srsly, it would take a miracle for Class San-D - I mean - the Fourth years to change for the better. Our carefree and we-do-what-we-want mentality is so calloused that it would take an inhumanly strong and striking facilitator to break through it. Okay, technically, the whole Fourth year class isn’t like that. There are others that are pretty disciplined and good. Like me xDDDDDD Though, honestly, there are a lot more Fourth years that are undisciplined and… well, not bad, but not good either. I too share the wish of the teachers. I wish that our class would improve after the retreat.

mondays, life, school

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