Circles and Circles and Circles Again

Jan 11, 2006 21:32

Things are progressing nicely. Now that the semester has begun, a lot of my fears have been assuaged a bit. I’m still a little afraid that I will lose control again, but that fear is going away little by little.

I feel much more focused right now than I have for a while. By the end of last semester, I had what felt like a million things tugging at my attention span, which promptly forced it to collapse. This semester feels infinitely more manageable. I still have my thesis, my classes, my job, and myself to juggle…but it feels much easier. Everything feels more compartmentalized. Everything has its own place and, for now, they aren’t bleeding into one another. I don’t know how long this will last, but I will try to prolong for as long as possible.

I am beginning to have a surer grasp on the traps that my mind falls into from time to time. It has a tendency to spiral off and obsess about certain things to the exclusion of everything else, but I am getting better at arresting it before I go too far astray and dragging my mind back to reality. This does not come naturally to me, and I have a feeling that I am going to have to constantly struggle throughout my life to ground my thoughts. Yoga and meditation have been helping me tremendously. Every afternoon that I don’t work, I do about an hour of yoga. Every night, before I go to sleep, I meditate for a half hour. It helps me let go of things. I hope that I develop the discipline to adhere to this schedule for the rest of the semester, at least. It benefits my sanity so much. It also helps that I’ve gone inside of myself a bit more the past week. Introversion suits me. It keeps me honest.

And other than that…there is nothing significant upon which to comment.
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