Im glad

May 10, 2006 18:31

How does one end a friendship after so long without moving, how can i muster the courage to say,"ya know what, i dont want to hang out anymore" it needs to be done, it needs to be said, i cant do it though.Im too nice for my own good sometimes.but trish,she just says the dumbest shit to me about who i should and shouldmnt see,jennis doing the same thing saying that i should take out one girl steady for a couple weeks, then if theresnothing than date another, not anymore than that, i think its rediculous,and yet,i cant get my point accross. I dont want anyone for me right now,i dont want a commitment,i just want freinds, and not fuck buddies, im not ready to give myself to anyone yet.I just want to have fun and learn more about people and perhaps find myself along the way, well thats my rant for today.
Work is going good,raise is comming.Ive gotton so much quicker with everything, im not fucking up as much, my bosses all have praised me.this make me want to sing....but not at the moment.instead ill wait till i have my shower. :)
some more things that make me glad.
-My brother-in-law and I are getting along better than ever
-cash flow is niiiiice
-have a mini golf/dinner/drive in date with cass in the mustang on friday
-after tomorrow no more work for 3 days, finally i can sleep more than 3 hours
-mothers day, a poem and a card and a game of scrabble will make it her day for sure :)
-also on sunday: cass mentioned that she bought some movies and they are some of my favs,so movie day!
-the movies: requiem for a dream,fried green tomoatoes,what about bob and laberynth :D :D :D
-monday mornign up at 3 30 and at work for 5 work till 5 and home by 6.and after such a stellar weekend i wont have a case of the
-im counting my chickens like i always do,but this time i prepared for the worst,so i wont be let down, the backup plan isnt completed fully, but i may post it later on.
-my saturday is open,tina wants me to do yard work,i dont want to,i put in 114 hours in 10 days.thats more than her by far,but if i argue she makes me feel like shit, so i do what im told,this is making me cranky thinking about if anyone else wants to get together on saturday hit me up and save me from yard work.pretty pretty please.with as many cherries you want on top.ciao for now poeples.catch you on the flip side.
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