Aug 06, 2011 14:06
So it looks like becca, aka omgitsjoejons sent me a little response to my message of hers. Which is rather amusing to say the least. After reading through it, I kinda realized how mentally forgone she was. But one part of her post really did irk me to say the least. Which is the main reason why I responded to her in the first place.
"I know why people don't come and admit about having an eating disorder, I had one ~6 months ago. That's the reason why it pisses me off."
I guess you are unaware that people are shameful of their disorders right? It's not something that most people are usually proud to admit right away. That's why Demi didn't want to talk about it for quite some time, that's why a lot of girls and boys tend to keep it to them selves because they don't want to admit it. It's not something that people like to admit. You'd think someone with an eating disorder like you would be able to relate. But no you pretty much spit in her face with this. This was one of the reasons why I attacked you for you being....well to be hones, an inconsiderate bitch.
"You don't find it strange that every single fan of Demi's now has an eating disorder or is cutting?"
So you know for a fact that it's every single fan of hers right? You know for a fact that every single fan of hers admitted to this? I'm sure you must have done some kind of collective research to know this. You can't possibly be speaking out of your ass now can you? No that can't be it. Oh please.
"I was on tumblr a month or so ago and some person had carved 'Demi' into their wrists, showing it off like it's something to be proud of."
Personally I think it's stupid to carve here name in their wrists. I mean it kinda goes against everything she stands for. But my other point holds true. Also are you aware at her issues are quite common with her age group? I guess you didn't so any sort of research on the age group that effects kids with eds.
"The fact that people are lyring about having an eating disorder or cutting for the sake of it actually offends me more than anything."
No what's offensive is the fact that you assume the worst about people. Again someone with an Ed for 6 months should be happy that it's being addressed and what not. Frankly you accusing people of lying about having such a horrible disorder is more offensive than anything you can say about her song. That's small potatoes compared to your petty review.
"I have a right to be pissed off about that and you should too,"
Yes you do have a right to be pissed off. That doesn't mean I have to agree with it or see it as rational. Just because you blindly state that the majority of her fans are lying about having an eating disorder doesn't make it so. And to be honest, your perception on her music isn't so bothersome as this part. The only thing I am pissed off about is the fact that you are accusing people of lying about something so serious when you have no claims to back this up. The fact that you sat there and insulted people with this life threatening disorder is just so deplorable and detestable it's not even funny. And to say that you have an eating disorder for six months just makes my attitude towards you that much mo scathing. Again where's your sense of apathy for the people who are suffering through the same ordeal that she did and the samething that you went through? How dare you insult a group of people and claim they are lying about something so serious. It's like insulting a cancer patient by claiming they don't have cancer. There really are no words to describe your sheer audacity in this post. This is just as insulting as that bitch who pretended to be a timberline knoll residence and pretty much breaking the confidentiality clause on anythingdisney. You're nothing but a group of detestable individuals.
"I'm not accusing anyone of anything. I don't go up to Lovatics or tweet them saying 'Youre lying' do I? No I fucking don't."
So you accusing a group of people of lying about having an eating disorder is not an accusation? Again you just admitted to saying that you accused a group of people about having an eating disorder right? That's what we call an accusation deary.
"Sure there are ones there who legitimately need help but the majority of them are lying their asses off and I don't appreciate that as someone who, if I could, would go back and change everything I did."
How the hell did you come to this conclusion that the majority of people are lying? How the fucking hell did you come to this statement? Are you fucking daffy or something? Did you do any sort of work to pull out this statement or are you just pulling shit out of the fucking blue? How the hell do you know for a fact that the majority of h fans are saying this shit? If you can pull me some statistic to support this claim, ok sure. I'll buy into it but you have none. This is a blind assumption. I can do it to . Watch.
Hey everyone. Ten percent of the teachers in America sucks. Does that mean it's true? No. Your basing your statement off of a fucking assumption just like the two admins of your loser group. Give me a fucking break.
"It's disgusting and offensive and pathetic."
No what's offensive and pathetic is your random accusation that the people in her fan base who is admitting to having such a horrible disorder is lying. That is ten times moe offensive than anything you have said. Now if someone from her fan base admitted to something like that, I would be pissed off. But at that one person. Not an entire group. Which your statement os completely groundless on.
"Everything you have said to me in your reply is hypocritical and fucked up, because I never accused anyone of having an eating disorder I've pointed out that they are lying about it,"
And that's my reason for my scathing attack. That you accused people of not having an eating disorder and lying about it. That is why you deserve my acidic words because frankly I'm disgusted at the fact that you think her fan base is lying about. You have not only insulted her fans but people eith an eating disorder in general. You're a hateful human being.
"which I know that some of them are, so stop being such a hypocrite."
How? How the fuck do you know that her fans are lying? Again do you have statistical proof that they are? Or are you just making another assumption again? Assumptions are not facts kid. Get that through your head.
"I'm pretty sure that if this wasn't Demi and it was someone you don't like or care about you wouldn't even be writing to me right now."
No I would. If this was let's say Miley Cyrus who came forward and admitted this and you accused her fans of the samething, I would be just as upset. And I don't give a shit about Miley Cyrus.
" If I hated Joe or someone else and I was talking about his video, you'd smile and agree and move the fuck on."
Well no. I would agree on you hating his video and that's about it. However if you the situation was reversed with Joe and Demi and you did the sambaing I would be just as pissed off.
"Sorry that you don't agree with me but that doesn't change my opinion, so what the fuck were you trying to acheive by writing me this?"
That you are a deplorable person for accusing people of lying? Which wasn't an achievement. I already knew that. I just wanted to tell you straight up that your a disgusting individual.
" You said yourself eating disorders are serious, yet you told me to go and kill myself? Right, okay, fucking hypocrite."
You don't shoe logic and compassion to other people suffering this disorder. Why the fuck should I show the same to you? I'm sorry but if you want compassion from someone after you insulted a group of people who have thyme same disorder as you, you won't find compassion from me.
" I advise you to go back over everything you just accused me of (some of which I didn't even fucking say)and your insults to me,"
And i advise you to take a basic reading course because you obviously need it. So you're saying you are not accusing people of lying about an Ed? Even though you said a whole group did? Lol, you're such an imbeciles.
"and then read everything I said because most of when you accused me of you said yourself."
Really? Is that so? I don't think I accused you of a lying about having an eating disorder. Or anyone else for that matter. If this is the best your idiot little mind can come up with, I'm not impressed with you.
You know what? Just...just fuck off. You're an idiot kid.
dude...just stop talking,
demi lovato,
eating disorders