Looks like I got some splash back from a PM I sent.

May 11, 2011 20:41

I gotta say I am impressed that Tiiara actually had the tenacity to send me a PM. THat's pretty brazen of her to do. So I shall respond to it with my usual wit and knowledge lol.

So this is the message Tiiara sent me.

"you obviously haven't been stalking me and my comments for that long otherwise you would know that i couldn't stand miley when she was in her tweeting 100 pics a day stage. you seriously need to get over the fact that not everyone likes demi and is not going to play into this whole boohoo sob story she and her team have been pushing to get her back in the spotlight. i think she's fake, pathetic, vapid, annoying, and ugly. if you want to have your big lesbian crush on her, that's cool. i do not like her and i will continue to comment on how i feel about her as long as i want. you really must not get any attention at home if you have time to sit there and PM members that say negative things about demi lovato."

And here is my response.

This isn't really about who you like or hate. I'm just trying to understand you. You don't play into the “sob story” that her team has been pushing, yet you seem to buy Miley's Damage Control tactics to excuse her bad behavior and support her questionable antics. And there are a TON of stories about her floating around the net that makes her image look, fake, pathetic, vapid, and annoying as well. So you buy into one set of PR movements from one celebrity yet disregard the PR movements for another celebrity? Alright I got you. You like being a hypocrite. You slam one teenage celebrity for certain behavior yet turn a blind eye towards another teenage celebrity when it comes to similar behaviors. And I am fine with you showcasing your hate towards another celebrity. And I will continue to call you out on it. It's just so funny that you claim to hate certain people yet you continue to talk about them and give them more attention and free marketing. So good job in giving them free publicity. And What does me being a lesbian have to do with anything? Looks like another hatred of yours has come about...again good job representing Miley's fanbase. I'm sure they are happy that a contradicting idiot is representing them.

PS: I actually did look up some of those posts you made. Not a lot but enough and they were nowhere NEAR as idiotic and bias as they were towards Demi's. And it still doesn't change your bias nature.


It should be noted that after I sent this message, I was promptly blocked from sending any more messages to her. I guess she could dish it to someone else but couldn't take the heat herself when someone else decided to give her hate. Ladies and gentlemen, the uber fan that represents Miley Cyrus. I'm sure Miley is just thrilled to know that one of her fans is pretty much pissing on her whole "radiating love" theme she's been promoting. Good Job Tiiara. You are a disgrace to Miley's fanbase ;-)

Update: A response to Tiiara's message.

What? Us girls can converse about why you're being a stupid little brat and showing bias favortism? How is that creppy? Lol. Is that your default argument you use when you are being shoved into a corner? Does it matter that we never spoke? We're speaking right now. Also what about the other stories about Miley being a total bitch to the fans that wanted to meet them? I can tell you from personal experience that Miley was pretty mean to me when I met her. With Demi it was the complete and utter opposite. Does that mean Miley is a bitch and the people who had a similar experience is wrong? No it doesn't. Because every celebrity has a "being a bitch" meeting. Miley has her share of them. Yet you don't acknowledge them at all? Lol, you're so stupid.

anything disney, demi lovato, tiiara, miley cyrus

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