May 11, 2011 18:49
“You sound unstable in this comment. Like, seriously. You should re-read it.”
No actually, that was the most logical comment on the board so far. One that shows actual civility and actual reason. You know unlike your rabbid Miley supporting bull crap that you like to spew out for the mass majority of prejudicial miley stans, this one comment is the closest thing I have read to someone who actually thinks rationally. And she's right. When Miley was tweeting a shit load of a twitpics, you guys were bitching about how she needed to tweet more. But when DEMI tweets a few pics here and there and tweets LESS, she's looking for validation and is desperate? Wow, hypocrite much? That's about as lame as your whole “She's obviously used to do it because everyone would tell her how beautiful she is” argument. I mean Miley did the same thing as well, and I'm sure she had a ton of people telling her how cute she is. I guess that means Miley is looking or validation and is being desperate right?
Yeah you make no sense.
anything disney,
demi lovato,
miley cyrus