Few questions for Kristin Turley

Sep 08, 2011 21:00

OK I am going to ask a few serious questions here that a lot of you SHOULD ask, but you're all too stupid to ask the questions to actually validate this story. It seems like haters in general just want to hate on SOMEONE for no reason yet no one wants to question the validity of this story. So I have a few things that needs to be addressed in this little blog post of mine to one Kristin Turley. Krisy, you don't mind if I call you krisy do you? No of course you don't. I gotta know a few things about this particular work of fiction of yours. I went through it before and, I was not convinced at any of this crap. But there are a few inconsistencies that I need to know about before I go ahead and believe a word of this rubbish.

1. Why did you chose to write this story in such a dramatic way? Normally when people tell their stories of certain celebrities being bullied or their encounters with certain celebrities, they just outright tell it. They just say “OMG This is what happened with me and my friend who met so and so” they just say right off the bat that THIS is what happened to me and THIS is where it happened. Yet you start this little essay of yours as if it was a graphic novel or some bad fan fiction. Honestly I didn't get the vibe of truth from your story. I got the vibe of some stupid bitch trying to cash in on the Demi comeback buzz by using some graphic style of writing to make their story sound more “theatrical” rather than convincing. I mean why not just Tell us right off the bat what happened and what was said? You waited until the 5th paragraph to finally get into the meat of your story. It took you five paragraphs just to say “she did this to me and I hate her for it.” really? Five Paragraphs? Again is this you telling us truth? Or a fictionalized story? Or maybe it's a little of both. Because maybe there is SOME truth to this. But it's not the exact way that you told it. Nobody is a hundred percent innocent in any situation. Which brings me to my next question.
2. If she did these things as you claim, what did you do or say to her to MAKE her do these things? Now I'm not trying to downplay anything but nobody is ever one hundred percent innocent. And we all have to own up to what we are doing. And frankly she is doing that by speaking out AGAINST bullying. For you idiots who don't know what own up means. Owning up is pretty much prevention of what has happened. So even if she DID do this, she's been trying hard to prevent it from happening again to other people.( Oh yes idiots. You can bully others and still BE bullied and you can speak out about it. You know how many peace activists were former war vets? Do your research you morons. ) But I digress. Since we're talking about honesty here, lets here your sins. Because what you are doing right now is ten times worse than a 12 year old giving you a make over and stealing your scrunchie. You're trying to stop someone from being their sole bread winner for their entire family. Regardless of hatred or not, you're picking on a girl that doesn't exist anymore. And I don't care what any idiot on this site has to say, none of you personally know her. And that brings me to my third question.
3. What up with the inconsistencies? Seriously I wanna know what is up with the inconsistency in this post? Most tell all posts aren't full of remarks that are inconsistent yet here we are. But you know what IS full of loop holes and inconsistent jargin? Fan fiction. Well fiction to be exact. And thats what this is. I mean for the love of god if you are going to write something at least try to sell your lie kid. First off elementary and middle school are not the years when you discover your identity. That is wrong. Your teenage years are where you discover your true self. When you're 9 to 12 years old, you're still in the process of growing up. You find out about yourself in your late years. That is your first mistake. Your second mistake was claiming that you were insecure with yourself and that you were a tomboy that never wore your hair down. If you were a tomboy you wouldn't care about how you wore your hair or about your hair in general. Have you actually SEEN a tomboy? Most of them don't give a crap about their hair and a lot of them don't have them in pony tails. I'm not saying its a HUGE factor in determining a tomboy but since you're bringing it up, I just thought I should mention that it's not very common that a tomboy would put their hair in a pony tail. Also if these were your two closest friends at 6th grade why would they help a bully to bully you? That doesn't make sense to me. Are you trying to tell me that Demi Lovato had massive clout and influence at 12 years of age? You're telling me that Demi Lovato was the freakin John Gotti of Grapevine and Cross Timber at 12 years of age and got two of your CLOSEST friends to pin you down and give you an impromptu make over? Bull crap. Also if it didn't bug you that much, why wait until she was FAMOUS to write these stories and rehash them when she is at her highest? Sorry you make no sense and this is coming off as you looking for fifteen minutes of fame. This is what we call coat tail riding toots, and you are guilty of it.
4. Why So Dramatic? Honestly have you taken your “How to lie about celebrities being a douche bag to me.” class? Honestly have you? I think you need a class on how to actually sell a lie because you're terrible at it babe. Look at the chick that claimed Miley Cyrus was a bully. She just flat gave her interview on radar and said she was a bully called a fat girl a dyke, was a total brat and that was about it. And that she changed in middle school when she was getting famous. Boom right there and then she told the world who she was and what she did. No drama, no nothing. And a lot of people believed her. You on the other hand? All this added drama and first person narrative about your “eyebrows furrow and my muscles tense up and I get this awful feeling in my stomach. Hatred. Shame. Jealousy. The injustice of it all just wells up inside of me and there’s just no way to release” just screams jealousy and petty spite. It denotes any shred of truth that you might have had. What the heck is this you telling a truth or a frank miller book? That and when you deactivated your tumblr and forumspring account as well as made your twitter account private also sent up a few red flags. If you said you don't want this to define you well then why dedicate an entire blog to this and THEN say “your past doesn't define you” yeah what about the past of the woman you decided to slander? I'm sure the real case is that the Lovato's got wind of your statement and decided to slap a slander and or a libel suit on you. And rightfully so might I add. But the fact that you claimed that you would give anything to confront her yet are SO scared of her because her meanie beanie attitude just makes me laugh. That alone makes me question your validity. Well that and the fact that you claim to have not seen her ever since she left grapevine yet YOU for some reason still KNOW that she has not changed. Really I want to address this statement here.

“People say ‘well you don’t know she hasn’t changed’ yeah I do. She’s been back to Grapevine a few times, and friends from school have seen her. She’s the same. Snobbish. Conceited. Self-righteous. Freaking evil."

Seriously, you JUST told us that you haven't seen her since she moved from grapevine which was a good 7 years ago. Since we're going by the fact that she was 12 or 13 in the 6th grade it's safe to assume that this is a 6 to 7 year gap since the last time you saw her. So how can you claim that you've seen her when you have a 6 to 7 year gap in between without even talking to her? That makes no sense!But if that part didn't convince me, then this part did convince me that this was just some ole bull crap.

“And what do I have? Mild bi-polar disorder and acne. A mediocre wardrobe. Boring hair. Obnoxious personality. I would never be able to face her.”

Which brings me to my last question

5. Why mention that last statement? Why put that last statement if all you wanted to do was to tell your story? You pretty much told everything you wanted to but you had to add this part in for some BS dramatic flare that was not needed when all you had to do was say “this is what happened, this is the celebrity that did this to me, I want the world to know that 9 year old girls can be brats!” that’s all you had to say. Instead you added this whole “I'm not rich like Demi,” which pretty much tells us why you are doing this. Because you're jealous. And this isn't a rant on truth, it's a rant on jealousy. Your right, you would never be able to face her. You know why? Cause you would get a libel suit slapped on you so fast if you did.

And that wasn't it. I had a lot more questions I wanted to ask you as well. Why did you delete your account and tell people that you didn't want this to define who you were when you spent an entire month talking about it? Why did you change your twitter name and made it private unless you had something to hide? Why did you not take this to some gossip site like TMZ or what not? You know to get yourself some recognition? Yet you only put it on tumblr? No offense but tumblr doesn't get it out to everyone. If you wanted to tell people the so called “truth” about her (not that a 9 year old girl being bratty is a surprise to anyone) why not put it on a bigger medium? And finally, why end it with this?

“So that’s my story. That’s my childhood. That’s the story of how I was bullied by Demi Lovato."

This isn't how people end their traumatic tales unless they were writing fan fiction. Sorry Kristy Turley but all this and then some says your rant was purely fiction. Now am I saying that this is no truth to this? No not at all. I'm sure buried under all this BS there is a VERSION of the truth, but chances are, it's not the truth that YOU are selling to is. It's no surprise that every celebrity has a “bully” story told about them. Maybe if the morons on ONTD actually did research they'd find out that EVERY celeb has a bully story about them. But no they like single idiots out, which is why they will never ask questions like this. But I'm calling you out Turley. I'm calling you out and I call bull crap on your entire post.

kristin turley, demi lovato

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