Sep 08, 2011 14:51
So yeah. I'm a LITTLE late to this party but it seems like someone has decided to finally jump on the “Demi was a Bully” bandwaggon JUST as she is about to make a new album and what not. I mean cause that's not conincidental at all right? I mean here's a pop star who is JUST about to release a new album after a successful comeback single, and then all of a sudden there is some dumb fame hogging coat tail riding brat looking to rain on her parade? We've seen this before haven't we kiddies? Yeah we have. So lets get on with this now.
“I’ll see a magazine article, a commercial, a youtube video, a tweet, a post, a picture. And it just infuriates me. My eyebrows furrow and my muscles tense up and I get this awful feeling in my stomach. Hatred. Shame. Jealousy. The injustice of it all just wells up inside of me and there’s just no way to release it. I don’t know why this has been the one thing I have never been able to let go. I don’t hold grudges. But this is just too much. It affected me too much. It changed my life. It ruined my childhood. She destroyed me.”
Yeah I'm gonna stop you right here because frankly I'm already doubting you. First off I don't understand what is up with the whole dramatic theatrical flare of your little rant here Kristin. I mean for someone tell the truth about someone else who is now a famous celebrity (like THAT hasn't happened before) you sure put a lot of theatricality in your post here. Normally people JUST tell other people what happened and that would be it. But here you are giving this entire little Ralph Waldo Emerison opening here and it really makes me question the validity of this statement. I mean I can just imagine the dramatic music that you were imagining when you wrote this.
“I don't hold grudges. But this is TOO MUCH -gasp- It affected me tooooo much! IT ruined my childhooood!!! But worst of all...-shudder- she destroyed me. Oh...woe is me...thy 9 year old girl hath destroyed me!” wooo! I can just imagine this being in a shakespearean play. For real now. Am I the only one who is calling bull crap after reading the first paragraph? I don't think so. I mean Really? This is the theme that you are going for in this little essay of yours? Alright...lets proceed.
“I never understood why she just flat out hated me. I was different, yeah, but what did I do to deserve what she did to me? What she said to me? How she acted towards me? So I was a tomboy. How was that her business? So I wasn’t the daughter of a Dallas Cowboy cheerleader. Who cares? So I wasn’t on Barney and BFFs with Selena Gomez. I didn’t want any of that. So I wasn’t beautiful and popular. Why did she have to rub it in my face?”
Oh gee, a girl who is the daughter of a former Dallas Cowboy cheerleader is is best friend with a back THEN unknown Selena Gomez. Gee I wonder who you could be talking about right now. Very subtle there Kristin. Very subtle. Seriously though why mention Selena Gomez? If this happened back in the day when you were like 9 or so, then why even TALK about Selena Gomez as if she was relevant back in the 90's? Cause nobody gave a **** about Demi Lovato or Selena Gomez back in the 90s'. Nobody even knew their names. We were into **** like Stone Temple Pilots. Nirvana, Peral Jam, ****ing No Doubt. But you brought up Selena Gomez as if she was relevant? You already last me in the beginning paragraph kiddo. But now you're just stretching it. And we're only one paragraph in!
“Elementary and Middle School are the years when you discover your identity, your personality, your sense of self. They are the years you spend defining yourself and building self-confidence. So what happens when that is interrupted? What happens when, during the time you’re supposed to be gaining self-esteem, a single person breaks you down, bit by bit, day by day? Me. That’s what happens.”
No no no. I'm sorry but no. No no no no no. You do not discover yourself and your identity when you are in elementary school or even middle school. You don't discover yourself at 9 years old. You discover yourself in your teen years. Your MID teen years to be exact. When you're 14 or 15. Your HIGHSCHOOL years you discover your identity, your personality your SENSE of self. The only thing you discover at elementary and middle school is which game consoles have better tittles? The SNES or the Sega Genesis. THAT is your biggest self discovery at that age. Because EVERYONE was a prick at that age. I'm sure there are moments where YOU bullied others because you had a bad day or some **** like that. But no. Sorry this is where you lose credibility. You don't discover your self at middle school. You discover yourself in your mid teens. That is the general experience.
“I understand that everyone who is a bully is a bully for a reason. They were abused, mistreated, or bullied themselves. But that’s an explanation, not an excuse. There is no excuse for the way she treated me.”
So then by this logic I can say that there is no excuse for YOUR behavior for trying to capitalize on the whole Buzz for this popstar right? Dunno about you but a lot of people would consider you trying to leach off of a famous icon as some form of tacky and pretty reprehensible act here. So whats the excuse for you trying to squeeze a little klout from this particular family? Hypocrite much deary?
“I remember one time in 4th grade where we were sharing ideas as a group of 4 (she was in my group) with the class. The teacher asked my group for one last idea, and I asked my group if I could share since I had a pretty good one. She looked me in the eye and said, “No one cares what you have to say.” I don’t remember much from Elementary and Middle school, probably because they were so awful for me, but that moment stands out in my mind. I’ve never been able to forget it.”
So it takes you four paragraphs to finally get into the meat of your little tale of woe...FOUR dramatically descriptive naritive paragraphs for you to get into the story? Four paragraphs. Yeah normally people don't start off their whole “This celebrity was mean to me” essay with a ****ing sililoque of sorrow and woe. They just get into it and say “this chick did this to me and she said that and it ****ing scared me for life. I want the world to know.” But this whole thing of yours just reeks fictionalized desperation deary. It really does. Also I like how you say “ I don't remember much from elementary school and middle schools because it was so so bad. Oh woe is me.” Yet then you bring up an incident FROM middle school? The contradictions in this alone makes me question your validity.
But lets move on. Cause I got a LOT to write on.
“in 6th grade, I was surprised to find myself friends with 2 of the most popular girls in my grade. I tried to ignore the fact that she was one of their closest friends too. But one day after lunch, while everyone was in the courtyard, she decided to approach me. With the help of my 2 ‘friends’, she pinned me down on a picnic table. She took my ponytail out (I never wore my hair down. Ever. I was very self-conscious and hated change.) and wouldn’t give it back. I never wore makeup (Like I said before, I was a tomboy), and she decided it was time to change that. While she had my 2 closest ‘friends’ pin me down, she caked my face in makeup. Bawling, I ran inside. I locked myself in the bathroom and washed my face. But I had to go to class. Terrified as I was to wear my hair down, I held my hair up for the entire class because she told people not to give me a spare hair tie. I spent an hour red-faced, arm up, sniffling in the back of the room. I was humiliated. It was the worst day of my life”
Ok so I'm gonna stop you right there because now you're just going from every day “dramatic” to over the top movie villain dramatic. Yeah I'm gonna have to call you out on this because the only thing you're showing me right now is that you're very good at writing fiction. I'm not saying that this could never have happened, yet the over dramatic writing, the harsh and distraught language and what not and the overuse of the whole “Woe is me” person really makes me laugh at this entire sentence. I mean these two people only became friends with you because of the queen bee Demi Lovato wanted to mess with you? Are you for real kid? You mean to tell me that at the age of 12, Demi Lovato was this John Gotti like girl who had all the ins and outs of this school figured out and what not? I bet you're gonna say that killed your horse and you found it's severed head in your blanket right? I stopped taking you seriously about two paragraphs ago. Now you're just being silly.
“After she left school, things got a little better. I began to forget about her and move on.”
oh good then. So that means it wasn't THAT traumatic for you since you forgot about her and moved on. I mean it's not like her fame all of a sudden just reminded you of something that you even CLAIM to have forgotten right? Thats just silly right there.
“And then she became famous. Her face was everywhere. Her songs were on the radio. She showed up in my magazines. I heard people talking about how she was going on tour. Thousands of little girls looked up to her as a role model. Someone to be adored and envied.”
…I spoke to soon. Ok here you shoot yourself in the foot with this article girly. Her FAME made you remember her? Her FAME made you remember her? You just said in the same essay that you forgot about her and that you moved on. But then all off a sudden, you couldn't STAND to see a 12 year old girl become a famous icon at 17 years of age? Why is it that there is always one ass hole that claims “this person was a bully to me.” but could never ever EVER back it up with solid proof? And yes I am well aware that there are other stories out there claiming that this girl was a bully. But so does every other ****ing celebrity out there. Hell back in the earl 2000s you know how many stories there were of Britney Spears being the bully of her school and what not? You know how many stories there were and ARE of Miley Cyrus being a bully? And you know how many of them were bull crap? I'm not saying yours is bull crap...well ok I am. But can you blame me? You make this sound just WAN to dramatic. Like over the top dramatic. Demi was this queen bee in your school. Demi was this girl that controlled the popular kids to her every day bidding. Demi was this. Demi was that. Next you're gonna give me some bull crap line that Demi was “adding insult to injury right?”
“And the worst part of all? She added insult to injury.”
Sigh...I hate it when I'm right.
“She gave interviews about how she was ‘bullied’ in school. About how she ‘didn’t understand’ why girls hated her. She began making videos and commercials about putting an end to bullying. The hatred and injustice of it all welled up inside of me. How could a person be so wicked? It made me sick to my stomach. It still does. And I just hate her. She doesn’t deserve it. The fans, the attention, the fame, the love, the wealth, any of it.”
I thought you said you forgot about her! Then why the **** would you care about what SHE does or what anyone else around her does for that matter? What the **** are you on? Seriously are you smoking Salvia or some **** like that? How the **** are you gonna say that you don't care what she did or that you forgot about her supposed “torment” and then throw in some bull crap about how she is doing an “injustice”to you by talking about ending bullying and what not? And you know whats the saddest part about all of this? She was 9 years old. There isn't one 9 year old girl out there who wasn't a brat at one point who wasn't an ungreatful ***** at some point in their life, who didn't act out of line like a little prissy ****. There wasn't one 9 to 12 year old who acted like that because they didn't know any better. But the fact that you, a full grown woman is gonna sit there and claim that she doesn't deserve her rewards for her hard work that she has done for people, frankly is more offensive and frankly ten times worse than any addolesent bully out there has done in their days of youth.
You have sat there and expected a coat tail riding from this celebrity and her entire family
to hook you up with some serious clout by just mentioning her name and making up some bull **** story than any idiot 9th grader can do with a basic elementary reading level. And frankly that is more offensive than anything ANY bully has done. How dare you leach off this girls fame for your own little fifteen minutes. You disgust me you coat tail riding little cunt. You should be ashamed of yourself for saying she doesn't deserve her success when she worked her ass off for it. Not to mention there are REAL people out there with REAL injustices commited against them and you dare chose a teenage celebrity as your vent of trying to get five minutes of fame?
Shame on you. Shame on you, you soul sucking *****.
“I know I’m supposed to love my enemies, but it’s just too much. I was hurt too much, too young. I’m just disgusted. Full of bitterness. How do I overcome this? How do I move on, so many years later? Why can I not let this go?”
Oh shut the **** up. Shut the **** up you stupid ****ing *****. Some people are gonna call this victim bashing but you know what? I don't ****ing care. Let them. Let people call me a victim basher because frankly I am so sick of these idiots looking to make bank off of a ****ty story involving someone that they lost track of in a five year ****ing gap. Assuming that this is true. Most likely you're feeding us some serious bull **** garbage here since you claim that you want to confront her yet you're too afraid to. When You had EVERY ****ing chance to confront her assuming that she went back to Grapevine. Go **** yourself you fame leaching stupid *****. **** you.
“What I would give for the chance to confront her. To look in her eyes and tell her how much damage she did. People say ‘well you don’t know she hasn’t changed’ yeah I do. She’s been back to Grapevine a few times, and friends from school have seen her. She’s the same. Snobbish. Conceited. Self-righteous. Freaking evil. But at the same time, I don’t think I
could confront her. I’m terrified of her. .”
So you want to confront her, and had many chances to do so, yet when you HAVE the chance, you do nothing? Yeah ok you're full of **** lady. You want to talk about damage? There are people who have done actual damage to other. REAL psychological damage to those who have been seriously hurt while they were ADULTS for that matter. But the fact that you contradict yourself so many times in this story and you ****ing backtracking like a god damn mother ****er pretty much PROVES to me how full of ****ing **** you are! Give me a mother ****ing break! You want to confront her but you don't to?
And no you don't know her. I'm sorry but you don't. I don't care WHAT you say but you have had over a five to ten year gap to know this girl and you claim to have had every chance in the ****ing world to confront her yet you say ****ing nothing to her? No. You do NOT know her. The girl she was at 9 isn't the same girl she is at 19. If you claimed to have the chance to confront her yet have said NOTHING to her then there is NO way you would know that she was a different person assuming that there is a SHREAD of truth to this bull **** story you just fed us. If she's been back to grapevine and you have had the opportunity to meet her yet didn't, then there is no way you would be able to know if she is the same snobbish conceited self righteous “freaking evil” person that you claimed she was back in her days as a 9 year old. Don't feed me that ****ing bull **** you stupid ****. You know that this is most likely? One of three things. The first one is that you're making this **** up and just interjecting moments of her publicized life in your little post. Anyone can do that about any celebrity. It's not hard at all to make **** up and have it SOUND legit and fit it into a specific time frame. It's pretty easy to do. A convincing lie is still a lie kid and you have TONS of holes in your story. Two, You're probably a fan of one of her competitors and you're trying to make her look bad to give your competition a little boost, or three, there is a SHREAD of truth to this but not what you claim to be. Maybe innocent people are just innocent in the movies and in make believe world, but in reality, in the REAL world, everything happens for a reason. So number three is that some of these things DID happen but not in the way YOU claimed they do (with SUCH minute details by the way.) and most likely they have been altered to fit your story. More than likely YOU were the bully and she did some of these things in retaliation to what YOU did and now you're seeing someone YOU bullied back in your school come out looking famous while you're just some stupid schlep in a boring 9 to 5 job
Those are the three possible scenarios. Because there is no way you claim to NOT remember much but then remember vivid minute details about certain things that you don't remember? Learn to sell a lie you idiot. Learn to sell a Lie.
“Young girls covet her looks and her talent. And what do I have? Mild bi-polar disorder and acne. A mediocre wardrobe. Boring hair. Obnoxious personality. I would never be able to face her.”
And the real reason comes out. Jealousy. You know, I would have believed SOME version of this bull **** you told me, but the instance you said this, the second you decided to put this in your little post, you pretty much exposed your true intentions right here and now. I mean the much added dramatic flare that you put in pretty much exposed your BS already but...this was just a fact in it's self. Good job in contradicting yourself.
“The whole thing just makes me mad. And when I look even further inside myself, it makes me sad. It makes me hate myself. It makes me hate her. It makes me hate the people that are fooled by her. I just can’t stand it.”
If you can't stand it, then why are you talking about it? Why make a HUGE Tumblr blog JUST to make this one post a month ago only to delete it afterwards? Why make a HUGE rant on twitter tweeting to her what an evil person she was and then all of a sudden delete both accounts and try to act as if you said nothing? You pretty much tried to wipe this entire blog off the face of the earth but then you tweeted something like “I don't want this to define me. My past doesn't define who I am,” you know who makes tweets like that? Guilty people! And you baby girl have shown us how guilty you are! Congrats kid. You have nullified EVERYTHING you have stated here with that tweet of yours. You fail at life.
“So that’s my story. That’s my childhood. That’s the story of how I was bullied by Demi Lovato.”
And scene. I bet you had a lot of fun making up this little piece of fiction of yours eh baby girl? Here's the thing that you need to know. Only haters would believe this bull **** of yours. No one in the right mind would take this **** of yours seriously after you injected a TON of theatrical drama into this post of yours.
Now am I saying that there is no truth to this what so ever? No of course not. There could be some truth to this. However chances are is that there is a LOT of embellishment and there is a LOT of covering up on YOUR end to make you look better. In fact I'd say the way you try to make yourself sound SO guiltless yet so desperately try to sell this sob story along with some cryptic tweets about how “You don't want to be known for this.” not that anyone gives a **** about you or any other coat tail rider. No chances are you were just as bad as anyone else who had bullied in their times. Because it is a known fact that the bullier can also be bullied victims as well. And there is a HIGH chance that you probably bullied someone in YOUR time Kristin Turley, there is probably a HUGE chance that you bullied someone and you ****ing messed with their **** because you had a bad day. Hell you're doing it right now by not even providing a single shred of proof.
She had the ignorance of YOUTH on her side, what's your excuse that a grown woman with no social skills would write some bull **** garbage like this?
The simple fact is this. You don't ACT like someone who was truly burned by Demi Lovato. You Don't ACT like someone who had a HUGE traumatic event that had been done to them. You act like a fiction writer who is trying to over sell a story to garner a reaction from the public. Nothing more nothing less. You are a phony. Your words give you away. THAT is why you deleted your tumblr account, THAT is why you deactivated your forumspring page and THAT is why you changed your twitter name and protected it. THAT doesn't tell us that you have nothing to hide. That tells us that you're lying through your god damn teeth.
Get the **** off my internet you mentally inept ****. And take every silly ***** who thinks just like you along with ya.
stupid rumor,
kristin turley,
demi lovato