I am not going to address the fact that I haven't posted in about 6 months or whatever. Really no reason except, I didn't feel like it. Anyway, my children have all started school!! Alex is in freakin high school, Abby in freakin Jr High and Camille started preschool this week. I think Camille is the only one happy and content with her plight. Alex's school is enormous and has 3000 kids so he is adjusting....Here are some pictures.
This picture of him walking out the door is hard to look at...he is the only one I cried about when he left for the day for reasons I am not sure of? I guess it's because when your child starts high school their (younger) childhood is definitely over and the world starts to really creep it's way in and you have less and less influence on them. *sob* I'm sure I'll feel the same way with the other two when they start HS, and with Camille I will probably lay on the floor and bawl my eyes out. I won't even think about when they go to college!!!
To pass the time I have been selling mass quantities of Harry Potter legos on Ebay. I made 100 bucks yesterday (!!!), so we'll see what else is around here to get rid of after I run out of those.
I am between books right now and need some good recs. Anyone?
I am rewatching Supernatural season 5 and enjoying it immensely. I forgot how good "Free to be You and Me" was. And how hot Sam looks the entire episode.
Other than other stuff from months past, that's about it. :)
edit: oh, and happy birthday ERICA! You light up my life. XOXOXO