A rare burst of productivity

Jan 24, 2006 09:08

Whoa...today I have already: washed out the fridge and dumped old, gross stuff in it, loaded software for the printer and found and printed info for Alex's report, two loads of laundry, pulled sheets off the bed, babyproofed for the rugrats coming over, answered emails. I know the burst of energy won't last. Very rare indeed.

Definitely the highlight of my weekend was having my brother's 50th birthday party at my sis's house. Thank Gawd you had it there, Michelle, I wouldn't have made it through. We played a card game with 12 of us that got my heart pumping so fast I thought I would deliver my baby right then and there...I think we all came away with minor cuts and bruises. Also we played charades with the highlight being my lovely sister trying to act out "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban" to a group of clueless team members. You can all guess what she was rhyming the first syllable of "Azkaban" with, much to the chagrin of the pious Mormons present. I about wet my maternity pants watching her. Michelle, you did a fabulous job, too bad all the HP officianados were on the opposing team.

Saw the doctor yesterday--she said gleefully "You are still getting bigger every week!" Yeah, NO SHIT. I think I have gained almost 30 pounds now!!!!!!!!! That is about 10 pounds more than my other two pregnancies. Either I copulated with King Kong without my knowledge or I am just plainly waddling toward my goal of resembling a well-trained hippo. And she was still breech, but was informed she keeps flip-flopping in there (don't I know it)and could still end up the right way. Unless she wraps the cord around her neck and ties knots in it in the meantime. Great. Something else to fret about....

Ok, I am going to render a very unpopular opinion about Fight Club. We rented it (FINALLY, I know) over the weekend and this opinion will contain a bunch of spoilers and I don't feel like making a cut so here it is. Don't keep reading if you haven't seen it. Alright, it was clever as hell. The acting was first rate. I sat and pondered it for a couple of days afterwards working out the intricacies of the "big secret" which I didn't see coming. All good. So why didn't I like it? At all? I loved the beginning when he is support-group hopping and Meatloaf with his huge breasts was just classic for some odd reason. I could tell immediately that the film was going to be different from anything, ever, and I liked that as well. Enter Helena Bonham-Carter. Ok, here is where I started disliking it. Why must this particular actress continually play characters that look and act like they just got done dumpster-diving after an acrobatic night having sex with the devil while chain smoking to alleviate the symptoms of syphillis and chlamydia?? I guess because she plays those characters so well, obviously. And she did. I also think part of it was watching the gratuitous violence (hello, I should have expected as much with the title)while pregnant and over-emotional to begin with. The DVD was really scratched so my husband and I got treated to one of the more gruesome fight scenes--either the one with Brad Pitt getting the crap kicked out of him by the club owner or Edward Norton kicking the crap out of the blonde Draco Malfoy look-alike--in super-duper slow mo because our DVD player was freaking out with the scratches. So we got to see every splatter of blood and viscera up close and personal as well as some dude barfing in a trash barrel. We kept stopping and starting the DVD, polishing it, and it insisted on super slo-mo, so we just kept skipping scenes.
I guess bottom line was this: there was hardly any basic human kindness in the movie until the end while Edward and Helena are cooly watching the apocolyptic catastrophe while blood pours from Edward's brain from a self-inflicted gunshot wound. I guess I am too old. I want to be transported to somewhere wonderful when I plunk down money for a movie. I appreciate Fight Club and what it accomplished. I just would never see it again. There ends my unpopular, Pollyanna opinion for what it's worth. Maybe if I see it again without the scratches and with a knowledge of the outsome so I can look for all the clues, I'd like it better. Who knows.

Enough blathering. I hope you all have a splendid day.

family, movies

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