Jan 04, 2010 21:43

Yay for wifi! It's TTALCOTCFRACC* for hd_holidays!

*TTALCOTCFRACC - The Third ALovelyCupOfTea Complete Fest Reading And Commenting Challenge.

hd_holidays DAY TWENTY-TWO

Trajectories [PG]
Summary: Rembrandt's phrase in describing his painting: "Die meeste ende di naetureelste beweechgelickheijt", can be translated as greatest, most natural movement (emotion or motive).
TTALCOTCFRACC says: Wow. I really like this - and wonderful exploration and characterisation of Ron, which is lovely in a h/d fic. The details in this are sublime.

Gardenia [G]
Summary: “And then there was this brief moment of silence when you knew that nothing else in the world would matter at that moment because everything he wanted…was right there in his hands.” In the language of flowers, a gardenia says "I love you in secret."
TTALCOTCFRACC says: Utterly adorable.

Labour of Love [PG13]
Summary: When unexpected events throw Draco and Harry's routine off its established track, they have to work hard to find a new way of fitting their lives together.
TTALCOTCFRACC says: Oh! The cuteness! I love established relationship and mpreg!

Fall Apart, Come Together [R]
Summary: When Draco's life falls apart, he finally has a chance to make it what he's always wanted.

hd_holidays DAY TWENTY-THREE

The Horribly Optimistic and Naïve [PG13]
Summary: When Harry gets politely refused from the Auror program, he goes back to school to find that Draco has begun to run the place. Of course, Malfoy's got to be up to something.
TTALCOTCFRACC says: Sweet! And some nice mpreg/bonding magic.

Praxis [NC17]
Summary: When Draco succumbs to a terrifying illness, he is taken to the only man who has a chance of saving him. With Draco's arrival, Harry's self-imposed isolation comes to an abrupt end.
TTALCOTCFRACC says: I am a little bit in love with this fic. Moar now please. Loved the characterisations, the dynamics, and the emotions roll off the page. Screen. Whatever. Loved it.

Art by star_sailor13

fest: hd_holidays 2009, fic_rec_hd, art_rec_hd, ttalcotcfracc

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