Dec 23, 2009 17:56

Author: dysonrules
Recipient: novembersnow
Title: Praxis
Pairing(s): Harry/Draco (they should all include H/D obvs, but put any others, including implied pairings, secondary characters)
Summary: When Draco succumbs to a terrifying illness, he is taken to the only man who has a chance of saving him. With Draco's arrival, Harry's self-imposed isolation comes to an abrupt end.
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: All Harry Potter characters herein are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No copyright infringement is intended.
Warning(s): Major character deaths (NOT Harry or Draco) and only mentioned in the fic as a prior event.
Epilogue compliant? This is EWE. I half-planned to make it epilogue-compliant, but the focus would have shifted to the kids and I wanted this to remain an HD story.
Word Count: 21,000
Author's Notes: I did some stalking to see what sort of fics you prefer and I tried to tailor this to something you might actually like. I managed to slide a couple of your kinks/special requests in. (The boys were very cooperative.) I really hope you enjoy it. Loads of thanks to my amazing beta for always knowing what I mean even when it's not what I write.

( Praxis )

ewe, round: winter 2009, rated: nc-17, [fic]

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