Welcome to TTALCOTCFRACC* for
hd_holidays and TFALCOTCFRACC*
hd_fanart's Advent calender!
*TTALCOTCFRACC - The Third ALovelyCupOfTea Complete Fest Reading And Commenting Challenge.
*TFALCOTCFRACC - The Fourth ALovelyCupOfTea Complete Fest Reading And Commenting Challenge.
hd_holidays DAY Six
What We KnowSummary: The end of the War doesn't mean that everything is suddenly better. Sometimes you create your perfect world with the people you don't expect. [G]
TTALCOTCFRACC says: This has a really interesting narrative voice. Sweet and hopeful.
Take AnotherSummary: The boys have settled down, after a fashion. [R]
TTALCOTCFRACC says: My biggest kink is loving kink. So I like this! But, I have to say, I am not a fan of Harry with facial hair...
The More The Merrier Summary: Draco’s determined to make this their best Christmas ever and Harry’s not about to stop him - even if it does mean carol concerts and late-night shopping! [PG13]
TTALCOTCFRACC says: Oh, this is just darling. Christmassy with awesome UST and a lovely Draco. Loved it.
Art by
star_sailor13 hd_fanart DAY Six
Christmas GlowTFALCOTCFRACC says: This is so gorgeous. It takes my breath away a little. Lovely.
Art by
oldnuf2nb &
tweeney Banner by
winter_june Yummy foodstuff? CHOCOLATE CUSTARD FTW (from waitrose, natch!)