...The second season, or the second series? 'Cause I'm up to...episode 19, I think, so that's def. second season, right...
/ttly did not go back to LSG to look at those old Hei threads. ttly didn't. except for the part where I did. |D Also LMAO @ him being stuck at Mayfield with AMBER for his "wife".
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/ttly did not go back to LSG to look at those old Hei threads. ttly didn't. except for the part where I did. |D Also LMAO @ him being stuck at Mayfield with AMBER for his "wife".
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Aww no! The threads with Laharl are so fun! Plus ANYTHING LSG-related just has that Good Old Days feel to it, you know? ♥
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...lol yeeeeeeah actually I ttly know what you mean...there some some Dei threads that for me...AUGH cannot look, soooo much shame...DX
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