(no subject)

Apr 18, 2008 20:42

I feel so lame yet proud at the same time.  It took me 3 tubes to change my flat bike tire.  I had never changed a bike tube before so I thought I would give it a whirl since my tire was flat from a puncture and I wanted to go on a bike ride.  Tube number one I put in the tire completely wrong but managed to squeeze it in there after an hour or so (haha I know) but when I started pumping it up I realized I had managed to puncture it  some how (maybe it came punctured??).  Tube number two I figured out how to put it in the tire the correct way and took like 60 seconds but not the part where the valve was because the tire kept popping out right where the valve was and after filling it with air and readjusting it while filling it, it popped 5 minutes later after I thought I was done and there was a HUGE hole in it.  Tube number three (on day two now) I put in the tire in like 30 seconds and got the valve situated and pumped it up and was good to go!  Now I'm an expert!  Haha.

I went on a 6.5 mile bike ride... from home to that show place on Gregory to the Coop to back home.  I heard a couple people were going to the show on Gregory but after waiting around for a half hour I still didn't see anyone I recognized and the people that were going to show up didn't show up by then (and the kids that were there were just talking about their fast food animal products they love to eat which is always annoying to listen to) so I decided to head back home.

Eric texted me and said the drunk that killed Evan and Jill got sentenced to 26 years.  He said he would call me later so I don't know about parole or the specifics.  I wish I had gone down there but fucking work, always gotta be making fucking money to pay the man.

I still want to hang out with people more.
I want to tile my dinning room table.
I want to spray that chalkboard stuff on my bulk jars.
I want to finish organizing my office.
I want to finish unpacking the couple boxes on the front porch.
I want to paint the picnic table we found.
I want to find a bigger refrigerator.
I want to start a routine for that running program.
I want to not feel lonely.
I want to sell my older cameras and older bikes on ebay.
I want to not feel so exhausted all the time from barely doing anything.
I want best friends again.
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