2019 Gift Exchange

Dec 29, 2019 18:09

So, I go to make a new post and it tells me that I have a saved draft. I restore it, out of curiosity and it was my 2017 gift squee post. And this was the first line of that, that I will repeat here because it is so accurate.

"I am SO SO SO late with this!!"

This year my secret santa was failte_aoife!!

"Please excuse the taking of pictures on my blanket in my poorly lit room."
Another line stolen from my 2017 post...

I love that everything was individually wrapped. It was so much fun to find out what was in each thing. Also, look at the cute cat paper!!!

Look at this absolutely gorgeous yarn!!!!!!!!!!!! No idea what I'm going to make with it yet. Possibly a scarf.

Really cool reusable bag!

Cool pencil case with the changing sequins!

microfiber glass cleaning cloth!

Look at these gorgeous scrapbooking papers!

I wrote in my questionnaire that I was going to start bullet journaling.
So there were these cool stencils and also a book about bullet journals! It's in German, which is pretty cool since I've been learning that language for a while now and need a push to increase my reading comprehension.

Thank you so much, Eva and thank you to ikel89 for hosting this exchange every year!

holiday gift exchange

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