2018 GE-Secret Santa!!!

Dec 27, 2018 12:22

Okay, hoping I don't accidentally delete this whole post again! Take four! LOL.

I love taking part in this secret santa every year, it's so much fun! This year, my secret santa was !

So many things!!!

Lyssa did an amazing job hitting as many key words on my questionnaire as possible, haha.
So the calendar, which is all of waterfalls (!!) didn't say anywhere that the waterfalls were, but I recognized three of the pictures as ones I've actually been to! The top middle and the bottom right are of the same waterfall, Seljalandsfoss, in Iceland. The middle, second up from the bottom, is Gullfoss, also in Iceland.

Can't wait to hang this calendar up!
Look how pretty the card Lyssa sent is!!

The fluffy things to the right is a unicorn pusheen!! It's so cute! I wrote down in my questionnaire that I like it when people send me things that are local to where they live. Lyssa's from Texas, so she sent the armadillo plushee, a bottle of BBQ sauce, and a little Buc-cee's ornament! If you guys have not been to a Buc-cee's, you are missing out, that place is amazing and they have EVERYTHING.

Closeup of the Buc-cee's ornament. So cute!!!

Thank you so much, Lyssa!

Trying this crossposty thing. So this was originally posted here: https://alorarose.dreamwidth.org/1267260.html

holiday gift exchange

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