Apr 01, 2004 21:59
So I've finally encountered an artist so weird that his weirdness actually surpasses my admiration for his art. Mark Kozelek, amazing singer, talented songwriter, formidable actor, weirded me out so much at the Sun Kil Moon show last night that I can't really listen to his songs. Observe:
"Does my jacket look red in this light? (To stage crew) Can you change the light? (Turns to band mates) Does my jacket look red in this light? (turns to audience) I'd take it off but its so fucking cold. (To stage crew, after giving him a greenish lighting) Nope, go back to the other light."
Later on...
"Have you guys seen that Greendale movie? God, its so literal. The chicken lays the egg, the movie shows a chicken laying an egg..."
Five minutes later...
"Who am I to talk about Neil Young? (mumbles incoherently to himself) Look at you, dissing Neil. What are you doing?"
After specifically asking that there be no flash photography, a woman takes a photo of Mark. Instead of pulling a Mark Eitzel and flipping out, Mr. Kozelek simply changes the lyrics of "Glen Tipton" from
"I buried my first victim when I was 19, went through her bedroom and the pockets of her jeans"
"I slept with my first victim when she was 14, blah blah blah blah blah, rubbed her with Johnson's baby cream"
And then he improvs the rest of the song lyrics with Neil Young record titles. "Tonights the night, harvest...man, you guys aren't as cool as the last night."