
Jun 27, 2013 20:04

Here. We are swimming along this summer, literally. We are at the pool every day for either swim team practice or a swim meet. It's really pretty cool, as Sierra seems to be taking well to it. Otherwise we're playing games in the backyard, going on little day trips, visiting museums, visiting family, meeting for play dates, etc.

We have a pretty nice rhythm going. This is an average day for us - swim team practice at 8:30 am, followed by S's shower and playtime for the kids while I catch up on dishes, laundry, etc. We're at the gym by 9:45. I work out for 1 1/2 hours while the kids watch cartoons, color, play with legos, do a craft, and play the Wii (in the kids club). Home by 11:30, when the kids usually run off together and happily play for at least 30 minutes. When it sounds like things are heading south, I get lunch ready. We eat lunch, then head to the pool. We spend a few hours at the pool, play with friends, etc. - Mark meets us at the pool at 3:30 and we swim together for an hour and then head home. I make dinner while Mark bathes the kids. We eat dinner and then I work on "school" stuff with the kids for an hour (fun workbooks or educational games on the iPad). Then I escape for a shower while Mark plays with the kids. And then it's family reading time (their favorite time of day! I love it!), and then bedtime. (And then I collapse. It takes a great amount of energy to keep two kids - especially my older one - entertained all day!!) Kids are sleeping great though due to all the physical activity they're getting and all the fresh air and sunshine!

So besides Sierra's moodiness and rough transition into summer (really bad behavior as she tests her limits), we're doing well here!

via ljapp

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