Jun 06, 2013 00:41
That's Daniel's latest tag line these days. And he's always asking if I like my life (a hard question some days, but still preferable to his "where is Jesus" questions that I absolutely have no answer for [besides "in our heart", which is also where I told him Great Grandpa is - so he's confused. Thoughts on this tangent would be appreciated.])
Many of my friends here are having hard times right now. I just want to let you all know that I'm reading and listening and supporting you and loving you 100%. Life is a little crazy right now, but should slow down in a few weeks. And I'll be around more, and can, like, respond.
But I just want to say -
Be sure to count your blessings every day, even if it feels like you have none. You'll be amazed at all the good in your life.
via ljapp