Something I learned many years ago. When one seeks, the surrounding Multiverse responds (in ways which can be troubling to those with over-linear minds).
Kelleigh was riding the bus the other day and the bus driver gave her leads which may greatly assist us to get new homes.
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Here's the link to that class:
That can beyour job, since I'm only about halfway towards the paperwork they seem to need,lol.
The more you know.
Get me an appointment a local office in Poydras so I can threaten them in person about my legal name change.
Noonish on Tues or Thursday is best, except on Special Event weekends. Not during FQ Fest or Jazz Fest.
400 Poydras Street
New Orleans, Louisiana 70130 LA
Office Phone Number 800-772-1213
The website also says that it's wise to not call the first week of any month, because that's when they are the busiest (and therefore, presumably, the least agreeable). FQF is the weekend of the 11th. JazzFest starts on the 26th. That leaves either the 16th or the 18th as per your request, with me calling them on or around this Monday.
Unless you want to sack it for April, and start the threats afresh the 2nd week of May, when JazzFest is also over.
Driver's license is not current. Name of license does not match social security name. No tax returns. No proof of income.
I guess my war with Social Security is higher priority.
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