Update.. or.. Stuff about Stuff

Feb 09, 2009 21:57

Wow, it's been awhile since I posted.

I saw the Super Bowl over at a friend's house - I adore Mark, he's ... gosh, how to describe him... he's absolutely brilliant, very energetic (frenetic!), and the uberest of uber geeks. His wife is a very patient lady! I didn't really care who won, but they were cheering for the Cardinals - needless to say, the last minute of the game was rather disappointing!

I am officially a fan of the show "Big Bang Theory". I work with people like that! Heck, I AM a person like that :)

My sister-in-law: her chemo has had great results! The 2 tumors shrunk tremendously. She's having surgery on the 11th - a double-mastectomy and I believe a hysterectomy, too. I talked to my brother today, he sounded a bit spaced (unlike his sister, that is a rarity for him). Please keep them in your thoughts.

My note-taking while reading the Area 51 books has gone COLOR. It went from notes on a pad of paper to punched 3x5 color-coded index cards in a tiny binder. I'm having a blast :)

Work continues to be weird. More cuts, reorg-coming, rumors flying. I just try to keep low, keep busy, and publish my accomplishments.

Hope you all are well, too!

random, books

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