Prayer Request

Apr 29, 2008 16:21

Today's news story that the adoption program with Vietnam is being halted is particularly disheartening. Couples who are matched with babies before July 1 will continue to be processed. Those who have applied and been patiently waiting but have NOT yet been matched are out of luck. See - if you change countries (whether or not it's your choice to), you start all over again - none of the applications or paperwork is transferable. None.

My brother and sis-in-law are 16 months and several thousand dollars into the adoption process. Unless they are notified in the next 2 months that they've been matched, they have to start all over.

I pray they have the heart and strength to persevere. After 10 years of trying natural and medically, and nearly a year and a half of this, I'm not sure how much "fight" is left in them. I dunno though. We are a pretty stubborn bunch :)

Cmon, Baby W. Your Mom and Dad are ready for you.


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