
Apr 29, 2008 08:48

After a wonderfully smooth Monday (yes, a good Monday!) today got off on the opposite foot.

Katie, who refused a bath last night, was up 30 minutes past bedtime and wouldn't get out of bed this morning until I picked her up, is having a helluva day. Or, as I choose to see it, is learning about consequences. If you don't take a bath, your skin gets itchy. If you don't go to bed on time, you sleep late and wake up tired. When you're tired, everything sucks. Her dad has her this evening and when he brings her home at 8:00 or so, it's bath then bed. No tv. I hate being a hardass but that whining voice must stop. One way to stop it is to make it her problem. The hard part is staying in "adult" mode when I want to turn 6 and stomp my feet and throw a tantrum, too. That never ends well, though, and leads to expensive therapy for both of us later ;) So I maintained, but it was a struggle.

We keep a poster on the door "Self-control is knowing you can, but deciding not to."

I told K if she can shake it off and leave the grumblies on the bus, she can have a good day. Now if I can just follow my own advice...

*shake 'a shake


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