iron man 3

May 19, 2013 05:13

Saw Iron Man 3 this week! Spoilers behind cuts. I enjoyed IM3 about as much as the others, that is, a lot, in a "whee! shiny!" kinda way. I really liked how much time RDJ and Don Cheadle spent out of the armor, though there's no shortage of armor geekery.

One of the things I really didn't like about 1 & 2 were the slut-shaming bits with a pretty reporter (that is, Pepper snarking on a woman for being so trashy as to have a one-night stand with Tony, but of course Tony is just a studly rapscallion for the same behavior.) That didn't happen in this one-- when a past amour of Tony's showed up, Pepper got annoyed AT TONY, not at the ex. It actually even eked out a pass on the Bechdel test.

I was also happy because at the end of IM2 I thought Pepper made some remark about not being able to handle the CEO position and that annoyed me because I thought it must be a joke but wasn't totally sure. Well, she's still CEO in IM3. Previews that showed Pepper in the armor made it seem like she got a chance to be a BAMF in a more superheroic sense in this one, and I was disappointed because she actually spends very little time in the armor, but she did get a major BAMF moment later that made me feel the promise of ass-kicking Pepper was paid off. But it was a near thing.

Finally: I love Tony/Pepper lots, but post-X-Men First Class, I can't seem to see RDJ as Tony Stark without imagining a younger Tony getting with XMFC's Charles Xavier. Because RDJ/James McAvoy would make for an amazing visual, and young Tony Stark and young Charles Xavier would be so, so spectacularly bad for each other. There's a 1999 scene with younger swingin' bachelor Tony Stark and I could just see him phoning up Charles the next day. Hooray for AUs & fan fiction to satisfy that headcanon.

Rebecca Hall is in IM3, so now every major player in the Starter For 10 cast has been in a blockbuster-level genre success: James McAvoy in X-Men: First Class, Rebecca Hall in IM3, Dominic Cooper as Howard Stark in Captain America, Catherine Tate in Doctor Who, and Benedict Cumberbatch and Alice Eve in Star Trek: Into Darkness. |
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