we have a technical

Mar 15, 2011 03:32

I know this is a common problem right now but just in case: Livejournal has basically cut me off. My email comment notifications were just running late before, but for the past ~week apparently I haven't been getting them at all, and they're late to show up in my LJ Inbox too, which I'm not in the habit of using anyway. So I feel kind of discombobulated, and if I'm out of touch via LJ, that's why. I'm reachable via email, codenamecesare # yahoo.

While I'm posting, anti-rec for last year's indie horror flick Monsters. There are some interesting things about it and great moments, but they're scattered in a weak story with crappy characters and a seriously offensive case of only-the-white-people-matter. Not worth it. :(

http://cesare.dreamwidth.org/111257.html |
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