Live reaction / first discussion post for episode 1.04: The Bends

Dec 02, 2013 23:00

Welcome to the live reaction and first discussion post for episode 1.04, The Bends.

This post is open for everyone and is here so you can squee, chat, flail happily, discuss, ponder, and speculate while the show is on and after as well.

So let us know what you thought, what was good, what was bad, what you would like to see happen next and anything and everything else that crosses your mind.

Couple of quick notes:
  • This post will contain spoilers so please avoid if you wish to remain unspoiled.
  • Please respect each other and keep this post wank-free.
  • Look out for the reviews and recaps post on Wednesday.
  • Another discussion post will go up in a couple of days for second chance to chat.
And that is it, enjoy the show and we’ll see you in the comments :)

spoilers, episode: 1.04, episode discussion

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