Sep 07, 2015 14:01
Here's my post to prove I still exist.
Nothing positive has been happening lately. The weekend started with 24 hours from hell over something entirely stupid. At least, there's today to make up for it (yay, long weekends?) Had a work picnic last night. It ended up being a lot of fun (I have some super weird and out there employees...). We got a hoagie tray, and then some people brought other things. I had a 1/4 of a hoagie and some plain pasta salad (it was just noodles and chopped veggies in it, no oil or mayo or anything, and a Coke. Came home and had a snack later on (was up late)- Garden of Eatin' organic black bean chips and some spinach and artichoke dip (140 for the chips and 240 for the dip). During the mess that was Friday night, I left my Fit Meter at my parents, so I haven't been able to keep track of what I've burned. It's freeing, in a way, but I'm really freakin the fuck out about it.
12 days until the beach.