Nov 02, 2005 03:48
sleep, shower, eat, school, boredom, focus, music, jerk off, work, eat, depression, mood swings, work, eat, shit, caffenine, work, shit, daily show, music, eat, stay up, music, sleep.
There is not enough time in the day. Like really not enough. Everything I do needs to be done for like, at least another 2 or 3 hours. In the case of music and sleep I'd probably like another 7 or 8. Seriously. Eveything was definetly a lot more regimented last year...shit certainly is way more unpredictable now. At least last year I kinda felt like I had more free time. I kinda feel like I'm always free, but never free at the same time. It's weird.
Slip it in is a lot better than my war if I do say so. Definetly differnet, definetly not the same.
The tour thread on the b9, which I know Mike and Jim read, got me so happy/psyched/sad at the same time. Sick in '06. Who's comin with me. The time is seriously now. Think about that shit real hard, you know who you are. There's lots of opportunites that you can take advantage of at pretty much any time in your life, and put off and its ok. But not this one. This one happens now or never.
I hate it when you wanna get into a band, and just when you get your act together and get some of their stuff, you find out their playing like that week. So when they come you half know all their stuff, and then a few weeks later you end up really getting into the band and you're all like 'fuck, this band rules, and they just played, and they're on tour for the next 5 months somewhere else' Yeah that sucks, hope it doesn't happen on sunday. Kinda happened with Regulations, that sucked but was still awesome. Jim, did you see them? They were probably in Boston on a Thursday or Friday night, cuz they were here on a Saturday.
On a completely unrelated note, I've been sober for 5 of the last 6 weekends, with exception to last thursday when ben and I sparked the phat bowl. I'm kinda happy about this in a weird way. I'm just glad getting wasted isn't my default activity, cuz thats direction things seemed to be going at first. Not that I'm not into getting wasted, I just don't like it when its a cure for boredom. I'm was pissed about missing the Yankou's though. That would've been a great reason to pound a few brewskies with my broskies.
If there were only 12 more hours in the day, I swear I'd have my shit together.