One of those "I wanna stab myself in the forehead" type days...

Aug 26, 2007 18:59

Well. I been going through my stuff and figuring out what I can sell and what to trash. I have too much junk in my life and of course that lovely family trait is kicking in [ grandfather was a pack rat and so was my mom...therefore children DO learn from their parents.] I will make a list of my anime things I am if there's something anyone on my friend's list wants, just leave a comment and I'll make a eBay listing for you to buy. We can decide on the price and whatnot. I'm not sure about the price of shipping. O_o

I woke up late today....I haven't been feeling so well lately. I woke up and my dad told me that my mom wanted me to do the darks so she have clothes for work. That meant I had to take what was in the dryer out and then put the stuff from the washer into the dryer and do the darks. Okay, fine with me.... but that meant I had to deal with folding the clothes [my parents hang their clothes mostly] ....while my mom was sleeping in there room. >_< Its hard to be quiet with a armful of clothes. but I also was a bit slow today because I got other things to do. So when my mom woke up she comes in my room and gets pissed because I have a pile of clothes on my bed I was about to fold. Yea....I'm really fucking tired of her bitching me out for no reason WITHOUT getting my side of the story. SO SORRY THAT I HAD A ONLINE CLASS ASSIGNMENT I NEEDED TO GET DONE!!!!

She still blames me for the move to the 3rd shift [I wanted to move alone, but she tagged along because she was scared I get attacked in the night ee;;] I never asked her to come with me. I am a adult. Then she gets pissed at me because I got a better job? Sorry I do not have a husband who can allow me to just be a housewife who has a part-time job for "fun" money. Sorry I have to start supporting myself and bills and start a life!!! >_< Geez... she has a bitchy attitude when she first wakes up. One of the major reasons why I got a different job......HER. I love her but I can only take so much of her and her negative attitude!!!!

In other news, my father and I are planning on going to see a recruiter on Monday. He promised not to tell my mom about it [she had once seriously put me down about certain ideas and it hurt to be insulted like that. She did insult me.....she goes on and on how tough she is...then tells me how I need protected because I am sooooo naive and innocent. WTF MOM!!! I have scared people with what I know!! Have you ever thought that I play that way around you to NOT get into fights with you?!?!?!]

So fucking tired of it all......soooo tiiiiired

This has so been one of those "I just want to stab myself in the forehead" type of days.
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