Oct 15, 2011 21:48

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I just rediscovered this video. I remember seeing it on Fuse a few years back, but that was back when there were no good music shops in town, and song downloads took an hour or more(damn you dial-up!), so I didn't really make note of it, and it was lost to the ages... UNTIL NOW.

I really enjoy songs like this that are about finding happiness even in death. Death is something I struggled with for a long time. Back when the Large Hadron Collider was a controversial thing in the news, I was scared shitless every time I heard it was going to be turned on. For those who don't remember, there were quite a few theories floating around that the LHC could create a black hole that would CONSUME THE EARTH. And thanks to conspiracy radio shows, and specials on Discovery & NG, you can bet I believed it was going to happen. I spent at least 3 months getting almost no sleep, randomly breaking into cold sweats, and throwing up a couple times a week just from the stress of it. Eventually the LHC faded from the news, and slowly, so did my morbid interest in it.

Ultimately it was a suicidal phase that forced me to come to terms with death, it went from something I was afraid of, to something I felt I needed. But songs like these helped the process along. While I'm not welcoming death anymore, I don't fear it so much that it's interfering with my life. I have a healthy respect for it, and it's all thanks to music.

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life(and death), music

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