a year and half ago i
finally made contact with my children.
but after several months, one daughter, and then then the other dropped communication. i don't know why, but i suspect it has to do with their relationship with their mother.
my son has stayed in contact with me. the irony being that since he's the youngest he's the one that i really didn't have a hand in helping to raise.
and when i say we're in contact, i mean in the most casual internet sort of way. the fact is we don't really know each other. maybe in time we will, but neither of us is really rushing the topic.
anyhoo, today he posted that he is now in contact with his other sister*, Tessie.
i replied to his post saying "i'm very happy for you"
shortly thereafter i got a friend request from Tessie.
i replied yes, but honestly i don't know how to feel about this.
my own daughters have, for whatever reasons, dropped communication with me, and now someone with whom i only have a tangental familial relationship does (at least in a passing way) want contact.
*technically speaking she would be his half-sister as they have the same mum, but different fathers