Oct 23, 2003 13:29
It's thursday and i am starting to get a little stressed out, lots of work to do and not everyone is cooperating with me. I understand i am i new boss but i have been helping them with anything they need just the same for the past 6 months, and if that wasn't enough i have thousands of papers i have to fax and the damn fax machine keeps braking down, and spiting all my papers back out at me.
I haven't gone to respect for the past couple of weeks, but have been giving it some thought, i really want to go out and if i do that would make coming in on saturday a little more tolerable.
There is this one guy who i can't stop thinking about lately, i never met him but he is incredibly intriguing to me. Even though i have never met him i already enjoy his mind more then many. He is intelligent and creative with his choice of words and keeps astonishing me with his knowledge. I can only hope too meet him in person on day.
I have been feeling better about everything lately, one of the ladies at my work gave me a necklace, it has a chakra crystal hanging from an egyptian cross. When i was younger my mom had books about chakra crystals i would read when i was bored, and i would always wear different colored crystals for different types of healing, but i forgot about it for a long time, until the lady at my work gave it to me. Now i wear it everyday, and i have felt better ever since. Even if it is just a placebo, as long as i think it works then who cares if it really does.