Mar 02, 2005 14:40
omg im so sick, like i went home after first hour i keep coughing and i feel so weak i swear it feels like im dying. i slept from 9:30 to 2:40 and ugh its so horrible. i was suposed to go to a drama club meeting today and clean the uniform room so its not to hard for me on thursday but i guess i can do it tomorrow after rehersal coz i gotta dress that monster. sucks for me. all i know is i feel horrible i think im just gonna crawl back up in bed in a little while, even tho i HAVE to go tomorrow coz i need shit signed for districts. sucks for fucking me i think i'lljust sleep in every class. coz if i talk i'll never get the swelling of my glands down then i cant sing friday. why is it everytime i have to do something i get sick. seriously when i was 7 i had a recital for ballet and i got so fucking sick i was begging my parents to let me go but i had strep throat so i was puking everywhere and had a fever of 102. so obviously i didnt go, and then all last year i was sick for districts again & for states. but i doubt we'll even make it to states this year coz its one day till districts and nobodys serious about it. only a select few. which is why im dropping chorus and sticking with drama next year..... i so love those teachers. and they actually care if ur on the floor dying of coughing. ::sigh:: i hate feeling this way. i think i got it from some of the people in drama coz first like one of them was sick and then it was just a whole fuckin chain of sickies.
omg i dont know what i did, but whatever it is, it was a bad move on my part, i mean how was i to know they were friends?? whoops. im so bad at this, but its like, i like him more because we actually talk. but once again magical ally fucks it up for a second time. im telling you i'll never learn lOl... sad reality.