Nov 28, 2004 23:57
HEYHEYHEY!!! i waz b0red so i decided a britney layout is somthing new... ehh i was lookin for xmas stuff but nothing caught my eye....yet. lol
okies well newaiz im so0o b0redddd ahhhh. i hate liviin in Coral Springz theres nothing to0 do..atleast when i lived in Hollyw0od... i was always wid leydi nanet juan deen & kathryn nd always at the beach. or da p0ol or at sum party. here all da partiez r whack. ughh i miss the 0ld crew. makes me wanna cry.. iam so0 goin down for a few dayz during xmas break. damn straight....
so0oo ive been thinkin nd i think i needa change my lo0k..i think over winter break im goin to layer my hair nd dye it a light brown....i need a change im tired of red hair im not gonna layer it sh0rt..uh uh.. its gonna be alitter shorta coz i got 3 inches worth of dead ends, but its styll gonna be long.... but i need a change... maybe it will make me feel better bout some things..maybe not who knows.. but still..change is nice every now then..even tho it scares the hell outa me.
so0o ive been noticing almost all of my friends are having rele bad relashonship problemz even the bi-sexual ones...nd it just the reason y im so scared so start a relashonship again..even tho i rele miss feeling wanted nd needed or atleast given the illusion that iam... but wait..isnt it all an illusion? i dont know ne more..its like wats the 15 years old for christ sake..i should just kiss all the boyz and live it up..who cares wat people think...if im afraid to settle down why should i?
umm i was in TJ maxx today,...nd i total almost gave myself a concusion... i was bending down coz i had a bag from dots nd it had snagged on a hanger nd took a few clothes down so i bent over to put em bakc on the rack nd i came up to quick nd bashed it on the medal end of the rack..i ended up bleeding nd i hadda go home coz u cant just stick a bandaid on ur head now... its awfull but i cleaned up nd curled my hair again so u cant see it. lol thank god but jesus it hurt i was afraid to close my eyes....
but i got such a cute sweater fr0m dots its like those sweaters that goes to like ur mid thigh...its so comfy...ahh i love it..dots has such cute stuff..i was trying on this skirt...nd it said size 10..nd im like 5..but it looked so i go wat the hell turned out im an idiot nd forgot 10 in kids...whoopsie. lol but i need to find a store that sells those long skirts..not long but they go past ur knees nd there tight..i think pencil skirts? i donno there so cute nd i want one...i guess ama have 2 go to pac sun i know they sell them there..its just so damn exspensive!!!
well... itz 12:15 on a saturday nyte nd i have nothing to do..maybe i shuld call david nd go to walmart nd race him on the handicapped carts. LOL oh man that was fun.last time i did that i almost hit the manager...damn she was such a beyotch. lol
okies well ama go0o xx0x-00xox