Catch up post!

Oct 21, 2009 04:09

Haven't had much time the last few days to post. The irony is that I've been on rest days but actually find it easier to post when I'm working. Hmmmmmm something wrong with my time management skills I think!
Had a busy few days - lots of quality time with equine, feline and human family for a change. Stayed at my mums sunday night and actually had a monster lie-in on monday morning.
I needed it actually as I had a brown-trouser moment whilst riding in the park on sunday morning when we came upon an in-bred family who thought it would be a good idea to hide themselves in the undergrowth thwacking their way through with big sticks. George however didn't think it was such a good idea and bolted. I mean BOLTED! Managed to turn him up a bank which did stop him, only to have him spin round and leap 15 feet back off the bank and take off again. I managed to stop him again and jumped off him. By this time he was a panicky wreck and spun in circles until I was dizzy. Then he just stood trembling like a jelly. :-( I stroked and soothed him with polos and he did calm down enough for me to get back on but it certainly wasn't the soothing hack I was hoping for! Took him in the school monday then back out with his friend Mags on tuesday morning. Made him go past the scary part and he goggled a bit but Mags reassured him that all was well and our hack went off without incident.
He is a good horse but was genuinley frightened so I can't be angry with him and we both got away unscathed which is the main thing.
Everything is quiet at the yard now after last weeks drama I'm pleased to say.
Got a good result at work today - should have been working a foul eleven hour job but someone got their book on time wrong. I was early for my job so got given thiers and they have to work mine as they were late on duty. I am on an empty train to london and just work one back. A total of five hours work. Oh yeah baby!!!!
Better go now cos my sausage, tomato and egg is almost ready. I is hungry this morning. Have a good day all :-D
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