Watching Something On The History Channel

Jul 17, 2007 15:48

I hate (I don't use that word often) people who misuse the pentacle. Those people who are Satanists and peopl who think their cool who turn the pentacle upside down and use it for their "religious practices". Wither or not I am pagan or Wiccan like a few friends I have, I understand the meaning of the pentacle as a holy item of worship used for pure and good rituals and rites of Pagan worshipers. For that alone it pisses me off to no end to watch these idiots on tv turn a pure symbol upside down (a symbol that represents women, kindness and is the long standing symbol of "an ye harm none, do what thy wilt") and use it for their hateful worships and to show the world how dark they are. I saw an inverted pentacle and I wanted to find the assholes who drew it and kick them in the face. Even the same thing with the inverted can someone use a holy and pure item, invert it, and use the same item in hateful worship that involves cursing your enemy, praying for their pain, and being selfish?

You don't have to be a Christian, Pagan, Muslim, just have to have some damn respect for the holy items of the religions and not misuse them...Some people man...I tell you...
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