You'll Always Be My Thunder - 2/12

Jun 12, 2009 13:01

Title: You'll Always Be My Thunder
Author: leighabelle
Rating: R possibly nc-17
Pairing:Jack/Alex, Jack/Caleb Turman, Alex/multiple guys
Summary: We're friends with beneifts. I never told him how I felt because I never expected him to find somebody, but he has. Of course Jack and I agreed that if we ever found someone we wanted to be with then the other one would be fine. But usually Jack just uses that to his advantage and has the other guy join us.
Disclaimer: I, sadly, do not own any of these characters. I only own the plot and my dignity. Wait, no, All Time Low has taken over that too.
Author Notes: This is my first Jalex story so don't go too hard on me. Also, sorry, but when I'm writing I tend to drag on and write a lot of pointless conversations. Oh, and by the way, I mean nothing by the ginger kid jokes. My best friend is a redhead. I love em!

Sorry, this chapter is a little longer. Like I said before, a lot of pointless conversations but I can't help it :)

Chapter Two

I woke up extremely early the next morning. It was like ten. I was the first one up which was surprisingly odd. I’m usually the last one awake. I mean look at yesterday morning. Anyways, while I was waiting for everybody else to get up I grabbed my guitar and started playing. It started out as nothing but then a song idea popped into my head and I kept playing and playing. I finally wrote it down. Wow, I just wrote a song in like 20 minutes. I guess I woke somebody up cause I heard someone walking. I turned around and it was Rian.

“You’re up early.” he said shocked.

“You guys are either mad that I’m up late or shocked that I’m up early. What the hell?”

“Sorry, I’m just not used to it.” he said. “Did you write anything?” he asked seeing my guitar out and a notepad.


“Can I hear it?”

“No.” I said. “But I’ll play it at one of our shows in the future.”

“How will we know how to play it then?”

“I’ll play it acoustically.”

“Fine.” he said. Just then they walked in.

“Morning.” Rian said.

“Hey.” Jack said as he flopped down on the couch next to me. He put his head on my leg. I kind of tensed up after everything last night. But clearly he didn’t remember it. “My head fucking hurts. I’m never drinking again.”

“Yeah right.” I might as well just act like nothing happened.

“No seriously, never.” he said turning his head so he could look at me. “Why was Zack sleeping in our room and not you?” I looked up at Rian hoping he would help me because I haven’t thought of anything yet.

“Uh, you went into our room instead of your’s and Alex’s so I just slept with Alex.” Rian said.

“Oh.” he said and I looked up mentally thanking Rian and he just nodded his head. “I was fucked up last night. But I did have fun with Caleb. Well, the part that I remember.” I sighed and rolled my eyes. I was hoping I wouldn’t have to listen to him talk about that stupid ginger kid this early in the morning.

“He is so cute. We went bowling last night and he let me win cause you know how I suck at it.” He’s so perfect that stupid cute ginger kid I mocked in my head. I guess Zack could tell I was about to strangle Jack if he mentioned how cute or perfect that ginger kid was, so he stood up and put on his shoes and a shirt.

“Where are you going?” Rian asked.

“Going to get coffee. Jack why don’t you come so you can get some.”

“Okay.” he said getting up and putting on a shirt and shoes also.

“Get me some coffee too.” Rian said.

“I want a Grande, 2 pump Vanilla, Non-Fat, Extra Hot, Latte.” I said and they all kind of looked at me like I’m crazy.

“You’re sounding like a gay man.” Zack said.

I looked at him like he was an idiot. “I am gay.”

“Oh right, can you order something not so complicated?” he asked.

“Ugh, fine. I want a Grande Vanilla Latte.”

“Could you order something not girly and won’t make me sound gay?”

“I’ll order it for you Alex.” Jack said. Aw, how sweet. I still don’t like the ginger kid.

“Thanks Jack. At least someone’s not scared of good coffee.”

“No, good coffee is black coffee.” Zack said.

“No that’s disgusting.” I said making a face at the sound of black coffee.

“Whatever fag.” he said, joking. At least he better be.

“If you weren’t my friend I would come over there and kick your ass.”

“Please, we all know that you can’t hurt anybody.”

“That’s not true. He has very sharp teeth.” Jack said. My eyes widened and I started blushing. “And I probably shouldn’t have shared that.”

“I really didn’t need to know what you and Alex do almost every night.” Rian said. I kind of glared at him.

“Used to do.” I said correcting him and looking up at Jack who looked a little confused.

“Huh?” Jack asked.

“You have a new guy which means we have no more benefits.” I said with a little smile remembering all the old times.

“Oh right.” he said. “We should probably go Zack.” He pulled on his shoes and they were quickly out the door.

“He looked a little sad by that Alex. Way to be harsh.” Rian said.

“What? He knows that if he has a guy then we can’t do anything. There’s a word for that and it’s called cheating. He made it very clear yesterday afternoon that he didn‘t want me. Plus, I should be the one that‘s sad, he‘s the one that ditched me yesterday.” I said as I grabbed my guitar and started playing the new song, humming the words. I played for a little bit then got an idea.

“Actually. I’m going to have Zack learn it and play it cause you know I hate playing acoustic and singing at the same time”

“What the hell. I don’t get to hear it?”

“No, well not the lyrics.”

“Fine.” he said. Zack and Jack finally got back.

“Alex they didn’t have your ‘latte’ so we got you coffee.” Zack said inserting air quotes around latte.

“What the fuck?!” I said. “Are you serious?”

“No, he’s just messing with you.” Jack said as he walked over and handed me my latte. “He’s just being an ass today.”

“I’ve noticed.” I said as I took my latte and Jack sat down next to me. “Maybe you won’t learn the song.” I tried to whisper to myself.

“You wrote a song?” Jack asked. Oh shit.

“Yes but he’s not sharing.” Rian said as he drank his coffee.

“Why? Play it for us.”

“No.” I said looking away from them.

“He’s only going to let Zack hear it.” Rian said making matters worse.

“Sweet.” Zack said feeling special that he was going to get to hear it.

“What the hell?”

“I’m not playing it for you.” I said messing with my latte. “I’ll play it eventually at a show. But definitely not now.”

“But I’m your bestie.” Jack said laying his head on my shoulder and sticking out his bottom lip. “You gotta play it for me.”

“I’m not playing it! Just forget about the fucking stupid song.” I said as I walked into our room and slammed the door.

I sat my drink on the dresser. I walked over to my suitcase and got some clothes out. I changed into some dark skinny jeans and a black shirt. I messed with my hair a bit then I gave up and just threw on a beanie hat. I sat on the bed for about five minutes thinking everything through. I know that me and Jack agreed that if we found someone the other one would be okay with it. I should be okay with it. I guess I never thought that Jack would find anybody so I didn’t have to worry about it. But now it has happened and I can’t handle it because I love Jack. God damn this sucks. I calmed down a bit so I decided to take my latte and walk back into the living room. They all looked at me not knowing what was going to happen next.

“I’m not going to bite.” I said and walked over to my guitar.

“What the hell’s been wrong with you?” Jack asked.

“Nothing. I’m fine. Nothing’s wrong.” I said putting my guitar in it’s case. “We should get ready to leave.”

“Bull shit, Alex.“ Rian said. Sure he’d be the one to speak up.

“Shut up Rian.”

“Alex, we all know something’s wrong with you.” Zack said.

“You could tell us so we could understand.” Jack said.

“It’s nothing.”

“Alex, you can’t really tell a lie when you don’t believe it yourself. I know just as well as you know that something’s wrong.” Rian said.

“Seriously Rian, shut the fuck up.”

“Fine, but you’re the one who has to live miserably because of this.”

“Because of what?” Jack asked.

“Nothing. Damn people, just quit questioning me.”

“I bet I know what your song is about.” Rian said standing up and walking to the counter to grab his phone.

“Rian, not now. I’ve told you over and over to leave it alone.” I said. I grabbed my guitar and walked out of the hotel room. Soon enough someone caught up to me. They grabbed my free hand and made me stop. I didn’t want to turn to see who it was.

“Alex..” he said.

“What Jack?” I asked turning to look at him.

“What’s wrong?”

“Nothing.” I said trying to stay calm.

“Are you going to tell me?”

“Don’t plan on it.”

“Fine. I hope you’ll tell me eventually though.”

“Eventually.” I said as I turned to walk away. Then I remembered what I forgot. “Hey Jack?”

“What?” he asked hopeful that maybe I was going to tell him something.

“Can you go back and get my Latte?”

“You jackass.” he said. “You better wait for me here.”

“Fine.” I sighed setting down my guitar. He walked back to the room. And right then the ginger kid walked by.

“Hey, Alex have you seen Jack?” he asked. I could be nice, but I’m not going to be.

“No, I haven’t. I think he went up to the top floor to see someone.” I said with a smile.

“Oh okay, tell him that I‘m looking for him.” he said and walked off. That’ll teach that stupid ginger kid to steal my b- I mean Jack. Just then Jack walked out with our phones and my latte.

“Thanks.” I said not mentioning anything about ginger kid. I picked up my guitar then took my latte. We started walking towards the bus. I was about to reach for my phone then remembered I didn’t have a free hand. “Uh..”

“Here.” he said as he reached for my butt, or what it looked like anyways. I jerked away a bit.

“What are you doing?”

“Putting your phone in your back pocket.” he said then smiled. “It’s not like I’m touching something I haven’t touched before.”

“Shut up.” I said feeling a slight blush creep onto my cheeks.

“Aw, Alex it blushing.” Jack said tracing his finger across my cheek and down my jaw line. I jerked away a bit. “Why are you so jerky about me touching you? It’s not like I haven’t touched just about every part of you.” which didn’t really help the blushing.

“Which you’re never touching again.”


“Because you have a new man, so that means nothing sexual. Ever.” I said as we walked up to the bus and I loaded up my guitar.

“That could be pretty hard for us.” he said as he smirked. He had that smirk that said he was going to do something that would probably make me mad. I walked over by this bench that was under shade trees.

“No, it will be hard for you.” I lied.

“So does this mean that I can’t do this?” he said as he grabbed my ass. I slapped his hand away.

“I’ve told you before not to grab my ass. And yes, that does mean you can’t do that.”

“Or this?” he said as he quickly jumped to my said and kissed my cheek.

“Jack! Stop it.” I said as I started to walk away. I had a feeling this wasn’t going to be the end of his charades. I turn back expecting something and sure enough I see Jack running after me and then tackles me down to the ground. “Jack!”

“Hmm.” he says tapping his chin. “I wonder if this is considered sexual.”

“Yes, it is now get off of me.” I said trying to wiggle loose underneath him.

“So does that mean I can’t do this?” he says as he tickles my sides. Of course he knows where my ticklish spots are.

“Stop it.” I say giggling. He then stops. I try to get up while I have a chance.

“No, no, no.” I said shaking his finger. Then he pins down both of my wrists to the ground. “You’re not getting out that easy.”

“Jack come on this isn’t funny. You wouldn’t want your boyfriend sitting on his ex-lover, pinning him down.” I said still struggling.

“He’s not my boyfriend yet so I don’t see anything wrong with it.”

“You should.” I say glaring at him. I do have to admit I love this but I can’t give in.

“This position brings back memories.” he said smiling.

“Shut up.”

“I think what happened next if I remember right was this.” he said as he leaned forward and kissed my neck. He kissed up my neck and up my jaw line to the side of my mouth. Even if I didn’t want to do this, it still felt good. He was about an inch away from my face. “Was I right?” he asked smiling.

“Yes.” I said just above a whisper, breathing heavily.

“Good.” he said as he leaned forward and kissed me. At first I didn’t kiss back but I couldn’t help it. I had a gorgeous guy on top of me and kissing me. I had to, it would have been a sin if I didn’t. His tongue traced my bottom lip begging for and entrance and I quickly accepted. He traced the roof of my mouth which made me moan. He smiled at that. He knew exactly what to do.

“Is this on the list of things I’m not supposed to do?” he asked. I shook my head yes, breathing heavily with my eyes closed. He finally let go of my wrists and sat up. I opened my eyes and looked up at him.

“Damn, this is going to be hard.” he smiled. “No pun intended.” Jack was always was the one with the perverted mind.

“Well, if you wouldn’t go tackling me to the ground, then it wouldn’t be.” I said. “Now will you please get off of me?”

“Someone sure is grouchy after having a pretty fun make out session.” he said.

“It shouldn’t have happened.” I said. He just smiled and leaned forward.

“It could happen again.” he said seductively.

“No.” I said pushing him away.

“Jack, Caleb is looking for you.” We heard Rian yell.

“I gotta go.” he said as he jumped up not even bothering to help me up. This is why that shouldn’t have happened. I just lay my head back on the ground and folded my arms across my chest. Rian walked over and stuck his hand out. I took it and he pulled me up.

“This is why I was mad at him.” I said. “He doesn’t care about me truly.”

“Yeah, I guess I kind of see your point now.” he said.

“He’ll do this shit to me and then whenever that stupid ginger kid is around he’ll be all over him and completely forget about me.” I said angrily. “It’s bullshit.”

“Yeah it is.” Rian said. “Well we have to go so come on.” We got to the bus and I saw Jack flirting with ginger. I just glared at him and he smiled.

“Why didn’t you tell me Caleb was looking for me?” Jack asked still smiling.

“I got distracted.” I said still glaring at Jack.

“By what? It was only like 15 minutes ago.” Caleb asked. How dare he question me.

“This guy came onto me and started making out with me.” I said looking at Jack. He smirked.

“Was he a good kisser?” Jack asked smiling.

“Nope.” I said and got onto the bus. Now I had a reason to smile.

“Hey Alex, tell Jack that we have to go now.” Zack said as soon as I walked in. Ugh. I opened the door to the bus.

“Jack, we have to go.” I said leaning half way out the door.

“Okay.” he said then turning his attention to ginger kid. He leaned forward and kissed him! He actually kissed that stupid ginger kid in front of me! Oh, it’s on. “I’ll see you later.”

“O-okay.” he said a little speechless. You lucky bitch. I slammed the door shut and walked back on. A few seconds later Jack walked onto the bus.

“Liar.” he said as he closed the door and pointed to me.

“What?” I asked like I didn’t know what he was talking about.

“I know damn well that you think I’m a good kisser.” he said walking closer.

“You are not. Why would I think you’re a good kisser?” I asked. We were both kind of yelling back and forth. Rian and Zack looked up to watch another one of our meaningless fights.

“For starters, about five minutes ago you were breathless on the ground out there.” he said. “And you’ve told me many of times before.”

“Well, I was lying.” I said trying to lie as I turned to walk away.

“Bullshit.” he said. I turned back around.

“Jack, your not a good-” he cut me off as he kissed me. He then pulled away.

“Are you going to finish that sentence now?” he asked smirking. Damn him. I just turned to walk away. There was no way I could lie now. “Exactly.” he said following me back to the back lounge where Zack and Rian were.

“Just because you’re a good kisser doesn’t mean you should be kissing me.” I said sitting down in the middle so he couldn’t sit by me.

“But why?” he whined sitting on my lap. I sighed. There was a reason I sat here.

“It’s called cheating.” Rian said.

“Thank you.”

“Is not.” Jack said. “I’m not dating Caleb, yet.” He just had to add yet in there didn’t he?

“This little thing we have going on,” I said moving my finger back and forth between us. “Is over.”

“It’s not hurting anybody if he doesn’t find out.”

“Jack, don’t you get the point? It’s not right.” Rian said. Thank god I’m not the only one that sees that. “You’re not the only one who has a say in this.”

“Rian, stay out of this. It’s none of your business.” Jack said.

“It’s my business because one of my friend’s could be getting hurt here.” he said. “I have to be a best friend for Alex since the guy that’s supposed to be is being such an asshole.”

“Alex isn’t going to get hurt. All he wants is sex, too. And I am being a best friend to him.” he said then looked at me and smiled. “I’ve given him everything he’s wanted.” He moved his hand along my jaw. I grabbed his hand and moved it away.

“What makes you so sure Alex won’t get hurt?” Rian asked. It’s kind of weird, Rian sticking up for me.

“He won’t.”

“Oh right, cause you’re not fucking him at night then during the day flirting around with Caleb.”

“So, Alex doesn’t care.” Jack said. Actually…

“So you’d be okay if Alex went and slept with someone else?” Rian asked.

“No, I’d be kind of mad. But he won’t do that.” he said. Well, just wait and see. “Plus, I’m not sleeping with Caleb. There’s a difference.”

“You probably will be before long.” I said. “And will you get off of me?”

“No.” he said putting his arm around my neck. Rian glared at me.

“Here I am trying to stick up for you and you just let him walk all over you.” Rian said.

“Technically he’s sitting on me.”

“Fine I’ll stay out of it but, Alex, don’t try to talk to me about your problems if you don’t want help.” he said crossing his arms and turned his attention to the TV.

“What problems?” Jack asked.

“Nothing.” I said. Rian just chuckled, a little pissed off.

“So…” Jack asked making his fingers crawl up my chest. “Are we still on?”



“How many times have I said this.” I said. “We agreed that if one of us got with someone else, then the other would be fine. I’m fine. I’m not going to do anything with you because it’s wrong. So like I said our benefits are gone.”

“Damn.” he said sighing. Then leaned forward and kissed me. I pushed him back.

“What are you doing?”

“Come on, can’t we make out one more time before I have a label as having a boyfriend?” he asked as he leaned forward and kissed my neck. I know, I should say no but who knows when the next time I can make out with him will be?

“Fine.” I said giving in. “Rian, Zack..?”

“I’m gone.” Rian said getting up and walking out.

“Can’t you guys do this in like a bunk or something?” Zack asked.

“Believe me, that’s not as easy as it sounds.” Jack said.

“There’s not much room in there.”

“You’ve guys make out while the rest of us are sleeping?”

“That’s not the only thing we’ve done.” Jack said winking at me and I started blushing. I blush easily.

“I did not need to know that.” Zack said as he got up and walked out.

“Oh, can you shut the door?” I asked. He just laughed and walked away.


“I’ll get it.” Jack said as he stood up and walked over to close the door. I turned and fell back on the pillow. I put my hands behind my head and leaned my head back as I looked over at the TV. I’m guessing Jack noticed I was watching the TV so he turned it off. “No. I want your undivided attention.” he walked over and sat on me, much like earlier.

“This is the last time so make it worth you while.” I said as he leaned forward and kissed my neck.

“Don’t worry. I will.” he said smiling against my skin.

He continued kissing my neck. I closed my eyes, tilting my head back more to open up my neck. Kissing up it slowly, then making his way up the other side. He sure is dragging it out. I wish he would just kiss me already. He kissed the corner of my mouth then his lips lingered about half an inch above mine. He always liked making me impatient.

“See. I am a good kisser aren’t I?” he asked smiling. I opened my eyes and looked up at him.

“Yeah if you’d actually kiss me.” I said as I pushed him off of me and then I leaned forward and laid on him. I quickly took my chance and kissed him furiously. See, this is more like it. I pulled back and looked into his beautiful brown eyes. “That’s more like it.”

“I like it when you take charge.” he smiled and leaned forward to kiss me again. He put his hands on my lower back. Then he slowly slid them lower and lower until they were on my butt. I stopped kissing him and pulled his hand back.

“I’ve told you not to touch my ass.” I said smiling at him while holding his hand.

“But it’s fun.” he said. I thought about it for a minute. Then I put his hand back on my ass. He smiled as he slid his hands in my back pockets.

“Fine. But only this time.” I said as I leaned forward and kissed him again. He licked my bottom lip, asking for an entrance. I accepted. Our tongues fought for dominance for a while. He then traced his tongue on the top of my mouth, again. Of course I moaned, which he liked. So I did it back to him, causing the same reaction. He took one of his hands out of my pockets and started reaching for the button of my jeans. I quickly stopped him and pulled back.

“No, we’re not doing that.”

“Aw, come on.” he said as his hand moved down my chest as I sat up.

“No. We’re only making out. Nothing more.” I said as I folded my arms across my chest.

“When am I going to get more?” he asked smirking as he played with the bottom of my shirt, slowly making his way up my side.

“Never.” I said as I pushed his hand away as I started to get up.

“Okay, I’m sorry. Can we continue now?”

“No, I think we’re done.” I said as I stood up. He quickly sat up and wrapped his arm around my waist pulling me onto his lap.

“I’m sorry Alex.” he said putting both of his arms around my waist and resting his chin on my shoulder. “I don’t want you to leave yet.”

“Okay, but don’t try anything.” I said as I grabbed the remote and turned on the TV. He didn’t like that very much. He started kissing my neck. So that was a little distracting. I leaned my head back on his shoulder. He took the remote from my hand and turned the TV off.

“I told you earlier I didn’t want you to watch TV.” Jack said as he continued to kiss my neck. I stood up. “What are you doing?”

“I’m just turning around. Relax.” I said brushing my fingers against his jaw as I sat down facing him.

“Good. I’m not ready for you to leave.” he said as he leaned forward and kissed me. Then he started kissing my neck. I tilted my head to the side exposing more of my neck. He continued kissing my neck, then sucking on it. I enjoyed this very much. I moved away and then started kissing him. We then felt the bus stop. We didn’t pull apart though. We heard a knock on the door.

“Is it safe to come in?” we heard Zack ask at the door.

“We’re busy go away.” Jack said and then he continued kissing me. Zack opened the door.

“Too bad. We have to go set up.”

“Fine.” I said getting up.

“But, but, but..” Jack whined.

“We have to go.” I said following Zack. “Plus, you wouldn’t want to keep Gi- Caleb waiting.”

“You’re right.” he said following us. “I should go find him.”

“You might want to fix your hair first.” Zack said as we walked right past Rian. He was glaring at us.

“Oh thanks Alex.” Jack said as he found a mirror.

“And weren’t you wearing a hat earlier?” Zack asked. I felt the top of my head realizing that my hat wasn’t there.

“What’d you do with it Jack?” I asked as I walked over to the mirror Jack was standing in front of and pushed him out of the way.

“Hey! I actually have someone to fix my hair for.” he said and I glared at him.

“You’re the one who asked to.” I said looking into the mirror.

“Hey Alex, what’s on you neck?” Zack asked. My eyes got wide. Please don’t be what I think it is. I turned my head to look into the mirror. Oh great. It was a hickey!


“Oops.” he said smiling. “I guess I got a little carried away. Next time I won’t”

“There won’t be a next time.” I said as I walked to the back lounge. “Where’s my hat?”

“I don’t know.” he said walking back putting his hand on my hip. “I was a little too distracted.”

“Take you hand off.” I said as I reached for my hat in the corner.

“Fine.” he said walking forward and getting ready to get off the bus. “I’m going to find Caleb.” I just glared at him as he walked off.

“I tried to warn you before you even started.” Rian said. I could tell that he wasn’t going to speak to Jack for a while.

“I know and I’m going to listen from now on. That was the last time, I swear. It was just hard to say no.” I said to him. “Now I have to try and hide the hickey.”

“Don’t you have a scarf?”

“No, I wasn’t thinking of bringing a scarf with me in the middle of summer.”

“Put on a jacket and put the hood up.”

“Fine.” I said. Now I had to change into a white shirt since my jacket was black. I changed and then went outside to find Zack and Rian unloading the bus. I pull my hood up and grabbed my guitar, then headed to where we were supposed to set up. As I walked, I just happened to walk right by Jack and that ginger kid. Jack had his arm around his waist. If only he knew where his hands were 15 minutes ago.

“Where are you going?” Jack asked.

“To set up. Go get you stuff.” I said as I turned to face them my hood fell down, fully exposing my neck. I quickly rushed to put my hood back up, hoping the ginger kid wouldn’t notice.

“Whoa Alex, where’d you get a hickey like that?” he asked. Oh great, thanks Jack. I glared at him.

“That guy that came onto me earlier-” Jack laughed interrupting me. “No pun intended.”

“What?” Ginger kid asked.

“It’s an inside joke.” I said a little rudely. “Anyways, we made out again and he gave me a hickey.”

“I thought you said he was a bad kisser.” he said. I picked up my guitar and turned to look back at them.

“He got better.” I said and then walked away. I looked back and saw Jack smiling. I knew he would be. I wasn’t paying attention to where I was walking and ran into somebody. I fell back and dropped my guitar. I could hear Jack laughing. I looked up to see who had ran into me. It was a really tall guy. He had platinum blonde hair and was wearing a hat.

“Sorry.” he said as he helped me up. Then, he picked up my guitar and handed it to me. Wow, he was kind of cute.

“It’s okay.” I said sitting my guitar down again. I stuck out my hand for him to shake. “I’m Alex.”

“Kyle.” he said taking my hand and shaking it. “And, I know who you are.”


“Well, for one, you’re the lead singer of All Time Low. And for two, Jonathan, our lead singer, listens to your music all the time. So me knowing you is kind of in the handbook according to Jonathan.”

“As it should be.” I laughed.

“Um, I was wondering, have you seen a guy that has red hair and-” I cut him off.

“Oh are you talking about an annoying, stupid little pretty boy red head?” I asked not exaggerating too much.

“That would be Caleb.”

“He’s over there.” I said pointing to them. He started to walk that way. “Oh, and could you not tell him I said that. I’m supposed to be nice.”

“Mums the word.” he said and walked away.

A/N: Comments make me happy :)

chaptered: you'll always be my thunder, author: leighabelle, pairing: multiple, rating: r

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