You're As Fake As The Moans You Make 2/?

Jun 11, 2009 17:10

Title: You're As Fake As The Moans You Make (A Slash Fiction)
Author: desperate2break
Rating: Um I don't know...not very explicit right now....I guess
Pairing: Zack Merrick & Alex Gaskarth
Summary: Zack is a trainee doctor who knows where he's going. Alex is a lazy lay-about who doesn't care where he's going...Heartbreak and romance ensue when the two find their paths crossed
Warning: References to prostitution, Sexual scenes at a later date, graphic language use
Dedication: asphixiyatide/marina as per usual because of her own amazing eleveneleven story and my best friend Nadia for noticing everything about me, bad and good.
Disclaimer: I own none of the characters mentioned; only the words and the story idea.
                                 Hope you Enjoy it!

Chapter 6

Wednesday, I didn't have to work late; I got home at about 4 and spent until around 7 pacing the floor and wondering why the B'Jaysus Gorgeous Alex hadn't called me yet.

'Ring,' I snarled at my cellphone. 'Ring, Godammit!'      It remained motionless on the coffee table. I threw my eyes up to the ceiling in disgust. 'See, God? This is why I never went to church. You never do me ANY favours!'

Enough was enough. I pushed myself to go and finish my patient files from last week - Alex had come over on Friday and I'd been too distracted to do any work - just so that I could conserve my sanity; work was the only thing I had the slightest bit of control over, the only thing that made me feel good about myself. Well, that and my abs, but how many hours can you spend just staring at yourself in the mirror before becoming a total Narcisist?

'Cynthia Sparkle,' I murmured, pen hovering above my regular "working girl's" file. She'd had herpes last year but recovered well; now she always takes my advice and uses a condom. 'Herpes...October 7th...'

It didn't take long for me to become immersed in what I loved doing best, I was in the Zone, I was Dr Merrick; I didn't need men, I didn't -

'Hey Jack,' I squeaked when I saw his name flashing on my cell. 'How are you, Hun?'

'Hun?' he drawled. 'That's a change since our last conversation. What's changed?'

'Um...The fact that I'm not at the clinic, I guess.'

He chuckled. 'Sure. Anyway, are you busy now?'

'Why? What did you have in mind?'

'Well Matt is busy, as ever, and I guess I was thinking that you and I should go out. It's like, what, 8 now? We can go, party, and still be back for your bedtime.' His voice lowered and grew a distinctly seductive air - one I remembered well from many, many, many booty calls. 'And if you're lucky I might just tuck you in.'

I felt heat swirl around in my stomach and my mouth became dry. 'Um...Can you be ready and waiting in ten minutes?'

'Babe, I'm already ready and waiting for you.'

That's it: Brain totally fried. 'Uhm...Cool.'

I swear I almost fell headlong into the table, running to grab my keys to see him.

'Are you sure Matt won't mind?' I asked as we neared the entrance of Bounce, the club on the corner of Jack's street. He stroked my abs with one long finger and smirked.

'Let's not talk about Matt tonight.'

'Hmmrhh h'okay...'  With a dopey grin.

'Your round,' Jack informed me as we sat at a circular table, overlooking the many dancers. 'Vodka cranberry. Now.' 
I nodded and slumped away, in a daze.

'God, you look so sexy tonight,' he told me, biting his bottom lip while carressing my hand with his fingers. 'In fact, Zackery, you always look sexy.'

I blushed uncontrollably and took a swig of my beer, trying hard not to choke. 'Hmrnnn...Thanks...'

'And you're so smart and professional...I find that so hot...'

Total carbon dioxide overload. No respiration happening, whatsoever. 'Um...'

'We were good together weren't we?' he laughed a little, lust still reflected in his dark eyes. 'You're still the only one who can make me jizz without even touching me.'

By this time his hand was on my thigh and I was fully incapable of speech.

'I want you so bad right now Zack... -- '

'Hey, baby!' greeted a familiar voice behind me. Jack's eyes grew wide and he immediately dropped my hands as if they were women's breasts. I knew what was going on. Matt.

'Hey!' Jack smiled, standing up to kiss his boyfriend. I tried not to watch; watching  was like self-loathing to a whole other level. My chest felt like it was being pummelled by a team of fat European girl scouts. I couldn't breathe again, but this time because of an entirely different reason.

'You good, Zack?' Matt enquired, glancing sideways at me as he took a seat opposite. I nodded wordlessly. As if there were any words, anyway, that described the pain in my stomach.

'I thought you were working baby?' Jack drawled. His fingers were rubbing Matt just as they were me a few seconds ago. I wanted to hurl.

'I was but you said you wanted a night out so...I came to give my baby a night out!'

I had to watch them make-out again. For not the first time, I wished I was Matt.

'You guys want anything?' my rival asked, getting up to go to the bar. I shook my head.

I guess Jack knew that Matt could see everything from there, so he contented himself with running a foot up my calves and licking his lips at me. It didn't matter.

About half an hour later, I was restless. Fidgeting with just about anything; the straws, napkins, the hem of my t-shirt. I had no one to talk to and nothing to do: Jack and Matt were kissing again. Jack's eyes kept flickering open at me - maybe to check if I was watching? No. Jack wouldn't do that to me. He wouldn't flaunt himself and his relationship right in front of me...would he?

'I gotta take this!' I burst out, jumping up with my vibrating cellphone. Jack gave me an irritated look, so subtle only I could have seen it.

'Hello?' I answered, without even checking the Caller ID.

'Someone's chipper for this time of night,' came a cool voice.

'Alex. Hey. You said you'd call. And you have.'   I was stating the obvious, and I knew it, but I was so glad to hear his voice that I didn't care.

'Mmhmm. You're not at your apartment.'

'You went to my apartment?'

'No. I can hear cars, Loser.'

I laughed half-heartedly. 'Oh right. Sorry. Not thinking straight.'

'I'm bored.'

'By me?'


I paused. 'Alex, you wanna hang out? Maybe...The park with the giant container in it?'

'Alright. Gimmie ten minutes.'

It took me a little longer than that to get there, and when I did, I found him sitting on one of the small hills, looking down at the grass beneath.

'Hey,' I greeted softly, taking a seat beside him.

'You're late.'

'Yeah. Sorry.'

Silence for at least ten minutes.

'For a guy who couldn't shut up in our last conversation, you're kinda quiet,' Alex told me. I looked at him. Shrugged.

'Guess so.'

He coughed awkwardly. 'You - er - you can talk...y'know. About...'

I grinned wryly and waited a while. 'It's a guy, isn't it? It's always a guy. We went out for 3 years. It's the same old story: Guy cheats on boyfriend, they stay friends, booty calls, new boyfriends being shown off....It's...Unrequited love and all that shit.' I shrugged again, and Alex rolled his eyes expressively. 'He doesn't get it...that what he does...' My voice cracked; I could hear it. I willed myself not to break down in front of this handsome stranger.

More silence.

I felt his thigh press against mine as he closed the gap between us on the grass. His fingers linked with mine, wordlessly.

I could breathe.

chaptered: you're as fake as the moans, rating: pg-13, author: desperate2break, pairing: alex gaskarth/zack merrick

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