I'll leave it at you amaze me (chapter 7 pt 2)

Oct 03, 2010 21:35

  Title: I'll leave it at you amaze me 
Rating: M-ish
Warning: Language, content that will lead you to assume things. 
Disclaimer: as real as Paris Hilton becoming a productive member of society. 
Credit: Title to the Maine, Cut to The Verve Pipe 
A/N: so sorry about the whole half chapter thing again, I start writing real late at night and then my thoughts become jumbled and incoherent so I have to stop. I think I got the whole masterpost business sorted, but if i didn't everything can be found on my journal... Enjoy!

William wasn't sure where Gabe was leading him but going along with the whole "spontaneous" business meant that it didn't matter where Gabe was taking him. They were walking down a bike path into a quiet suburb type area, they still were walking hand in hand when Gabe turned suddenly shaking William out of his thoughts. They were walking up to a house; Gabe's house. He didn't know what to do with this situation, he hated that his parents had beaten his personality out of him, he hated that he didn't know how to be carefree anymore, he hated that he felt like a kicked puppy all the time, he hated that his melancholy attitude was holding Zack back from being carefree, Zack always worried about him. He hated his life right now even though he never had to go back, even though he had a new school and friends that accepted him, even though he was living with Zack now. He was damaged and he hated it.

"Blivy?' William looked up to see Gabe staring back at him, concern accentuating his face. "are you okay?"

"I don't know. I'm damaged Gabe"

"You're not damaged, you're just adjusting. Your in a new situation with new people, it's okay to feel off."

"I'm not me anymore though, they finally won"  William walked over to Gabe's car to lean on the front of it.

"They didn't win. I love your personality even if you think it's dimmed, It hasn't though."

"that day at the pond, that's how I usually am, this- this sad-sack-on-the-verge-of-tears-all-the-time isn't me and I hate feeling this way" William could feel the tears gather in the corners of his eyes.  Gabe walked over to William and laced his hands through William's.

"follow me" Gabe whispered, placing a kiss on William's lips. Gabe led William to his back yard where a ladder rested on the house. Gabe started climbing it, William followed him up the ladder.

"Over here" Gabe was sitting on the roof, he patted a place next to him and William sat cross legged next to a very nervous Gabe.

"Gabe, what are we doing here?"

"I want to know you, so get talking" Gabe placed a hand on William's thigh, he looked up into William's soft brown eyes. William wasn't used to this kind of attention, not even from Zack; he couldn't hold it in any longer and so began the longest night of their lives.


Zack was the first to awake. 
Clothes: off except his boxers
Hair: Seriously Sexed up 
Mood: satisfied, hungover
Boy beside him: Rian Dawson

He wasn't sure what to do with himself, he wanted to wake Rian for a morning make out session but the drummer was sleeping so peacefully he couldn't bring himself to do it. He was laying half on Rian and he could've stayed there all day but the issue of a full bladder wouldn't let him, he reluctantly got up to go to the bathroom but not before admiring his handiwork adorning Rian's chest. A smattering of purple bruises littered Rian's collarbone, neck, and chest. Zack smiled and trotted off to the bathroom. Washing his hands Zack tried to fix his hair so it wasn't so obvious that he and Rian were fooling about last night; he wasn't ashamed or anything he just didn't know how Jack and Alex felt about inter-band relationships. Zack looked up into the mirror tallying the marks left by Rian, there were several across his collarbone and for some odd reason several on his right hip.  Walking back to the room he couldn't help but remember the moan Rian let out when Zack unbuttoned his jeans, how Rian felt under Zack, the way they had to muffle their noises with each other's lips and the way Rian bit down on his shoulder when he came. They didn't have sex but the other things they did were enough to make Jemma Jameson blush, Zack got back into bed, quickly learning that Rian was awake. Rian pulled Zack on top of him and connected their lips. Zack's breath became labored and shallow; he wanted so much more of Rian but because of the annoying habit that mothers have at ruining the mood Zack's phone buzzed with a text from said mother.

Mom says; Who's Gabe

Zack says: A friend, why?

Mom says: Why is he in William's bed.

Zack says: WHAT?!?!?!?!

Mom says: I went to check on William, he got home really late last night and he's in bed with someone. I asked him who it was and he just said Gabe before going back to sleep.

Zack says: oh wow... I'll be home in a few.

Oh shit! Zack thought,  that's where William had gone off to last night. It was starting to make sense now. Zack had thought that Gabe had been with Oli, that pair had never clicked but William and Gabe was just too adorable to be denied. He turned his attention to Rian explaining that he had to go and see what this William business was about.

" Do you still need a ride home?" Rian asked. Zack hadn't even thought that they took Rian's car and not Zack's.

"Yeah, I guess I do" They got dressed, Zack silently thanked whatever deity out there that he had worn an actual t-shirt and not a v-neck. His bruises couldn't be overlooked in a v-neck but in a t-shirt they were hidden. Zack and Rian made their way downstairs and into Alex's kitchen there was a paper on the counter top.

"Alex- Your father and I went into Washington D.C for the day, Wake Daniel up when you get this. 
Jack, Rian, and Zack- You three are welcome to stay here, If Alex is still sleeping feel free to help yourselves to the fridge. 

"Okay so I guess, we're the only ones awake then." Zack put the note down and added to it

"Rian and I left. See you at practice later today -Zack"

"yeah, so let's go" Rian flashed a smile towards Zack and pulled out his car keys. Zack closed the Gaskarth's front door noting the sinking feeling in his stomach that today was not going to go well at all.


Alex woke up staring at the clock on his bedside table. 1:45. He had been sleeping for 10 hours, yet he still felt tired. He rolled over noticing that where Jack should be was cold like he had been gone for hours, Alex frowned at that, then he noticed the sharpied note on his arm.

Lex, I had to go. Call me later 
xo Jack

How very fall out boy of Jack, Alex couldn't help but smile. He wandered downstairs to the kitchen where he made himself a panini of basil, tomato and mozzerella. He sat at the counter chopping on the italian sandwich when he noticed the note. He read it out loud.

"Alex- Your father and I went into Washington D.C for the day, Wake Daniel up when you get this.
Jack, Rian, and Zack- You three are welcome to stay here, If Alex is still sleeping feel free to help yourselves to the fridge.
Rian and I left. See you at practice later today- Zack."

Alex laughed at the addition by Zack. He finished his sandwich and wandered back upstairs to wake Daniel up. Alex knocked on his brother's door several times before throwing it open. Alex couldn't comprehend what he was looking at, Daniel face down on the floor, bottle of pills opened on the floor next to his foot. Daniel was..... dead 
Alex shut the door and calmly walked down the stairs to the phone, he dialed 911 telling them that he just found his dead brother, he called his parents next telling them what was happening, he heard his mother start to cry and his father told him that they would be home soon. The ambulance and police came and left; his parent's still weren't home. 
Alex felt dead
Alex couldn't shake the image of his lifeless brother laying on the floor
Alex was numb
Alex didn't cry
Alex grabbed a bottle of Jagermeister
Alex left a note telling his parent's where he went. 
Alex couldn't stay in this house
The overt guilt that he spent last night fooling around with Jack while his brother could've been planning his suicide could only be quenched with the Jager and Jack.

Alex started the mile walk to Jack's house knocking back the Jager all the way there.

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