Just a Few Heartbeats Away (3/?)

Oct 03, 2010 17:53

Title: Just a Few Heartbeats Away
Author: music_addict14
Rating: pg-13
Pairing: Jack Barakat/ Alex Gaskarth
POV: first (goes back and forth between jack and alex
Summary: Jack can't seem to get away from the ridicule but maybe alex will help
Disclaimer: NOT real. i don’t own anything. this is as real as robots attacking new jersey. title cred: kissing in cars -pierce the veil
Author Notes: haven't posted in awhile! I will hopefully be changing that! :)

master post! :)

“Jack lets go shopping!” It was too early on a Saturday to be awake let alone hear my mom’s voice. “Why?” I looked at her and she gave me a look like ‘what a mother can’t take her kids shopping?’ “Because, we have nothing else to do today and you need more then just those weird band shirts.” Actually I did have plans, Alex and I were going to the park and… she thought my clothes were weird. “But…” “Good get up and get ready we’re leaving in 20 minutes.” I didn’t even get to protest ‘cause after she said that she left my room. I got dressed in my favorite “weird?” clothes and texted Alex the change in plans. I really didn’t want to but I figured the trip with mom wouldn’t last long anyway.

The car ride to the mall was uncomfortable I leaned against the window with my iPod on full blast. I knew my sister was trying to talk to me but I really didn’t want to listen. I was too tired and really wished for my nice warm bed. Just as I was drifting off into a dreamland the car stopped and I was disturbed by my mom ripping the earbuds off my head. “Jack will you hold the keys I don’t want to put them in my pocket and I forgot my purse.” Typical she was probably hung over (she always forgot things when she was) and once again I had to be responsible for her screw ups. I shoved the keys into my pocket wordlessly and walked down the long hall just a few steps behind the others. I was going to try and enjoy this because I did want the new Blink-182 shirt I saw on the Hot Topic website and maybe my mom was still a little generous (or drunk) and would buy them for me. I trudged around the other stores waiting patiently until we got somewhere that I wanted to be. I pretended to look at the clothes that weren’t even my style and even tried on a few things that my mom insisted on putting on me. She seemed to be in the giving mood and so my chances of not having to use my own money were pretty high. I picked out a few shirts that I liked and my mom took them reluctantly taking them to the counter to pay for them. “When are you going to get some normal clothes?” She looked at me with innocent eyes but not too innocent. She didn’t realize how much that really hurt me. I couldn’t believe how much my mom didn’t approve of me. She just couldn’t seem to understand the fact that I didn’t fit the mold of “normal” and I liked it that way. When we finally got to Hot Topic, after what seemed like hours, I was happy to be there. When we went in I felt like I was on my own turf and my mom couldn’t hurt my feelings here. My sister cautiously walked into the store and they were to busy being scared to insult me. I wasn’t really sure why they were so scared of this place, it was just a store and the people who shopped there were just people. I told my mom what I was looking for in hopes that she would help me look. “O-ok I’ll look over here.” Her and my sister walked to the one side of the store. Before I could turn to go to the other side in search for that shirt I heard my mom talking… she was talking about me. I couldn’t help it I had to listen. (Ok so it was eavesdropping but whatever.) “Why is your brother so weird? I mean he can’t just be like everyone else?” I had been hearing insults from my mom all day but this one really hurt. She really didn’t understand me and she had to talk about it behind my back. My own mother was part of the comments and intolerance. A reason I hurt so bad. I was stuck there for about a minute trying to figure out a way to get as far from her as possible and then it hit me. I had the keys to the car. As soon as I remembered that I was running out of the store, out of the whole building. Into the parking lot and straight to the car. I didn’t even think, I got in the driver’s seat and put the key into the ignition. I knew how to get home we had gone this way a lot. As I pulled out of the parking lot I finally remembered how scared of driving I was. I mean yes I had my license but I hated driving, why do you think I rode the bus? Alex had been helping me. Not only was I scared I wasn’t the best. Honestly I don’t even know how I passed the test. Alex had been teaching me and said I was getting better but I wasn’t so sure I was ready to be doing this. But it was too late and I couldn’t just stop now and go back. I would be in so much trouble and I don’t think I could stay calm with my mom in my sight. I would probably break down and start crying right in the middle of the mall and I really didn’t need anymore stares. I only knew one place I could go. I had to go to Alex’s. That’s the only place I could think of. My mom didn’t know about Alex. He was a good thing in my life and I didn’t want anyone ruining it.

I’m surprised I made it to Alex’s as safe as I did what with the tears and the insane fear of driving. But I made it none the less. I even parked pretty ok. When I got to the door I didn’t even have to knock. Alex opened the door before I could even pull my hand out of my pocket in my hoodie. Its like he sensed something was wrong and he pulled me into a hug. He pulled me into the house out of the cold and we started to head up the stairs. We didn’t have to say anything I knew where we were going. Before we got up a few of the stairs I saw Alex’s mom come around the corner. Probably wondering who just came into her house. Alex gave her a look and it was like an unspoken understanding, she just smiled and said she would make some cookies or something. I was kind of jealous of Alex’s relationship with his mom… his whole family. I wished that my mom was like his. Alex’s mom, Isobel, was nice and really cared about her son. And I can guarantee that she never talked about him behind his back. She was excepting and seemed to really understand. We arrived at Alex’s door in the time I was off thinking. It didn’t surprise me though. I could probably find my way through his house with my eyes closed. I tried to be there as much as possible. When we got in his room and closed the door that’s when I broke down. I knew I could cry and tell him everything and he would help ease the pain. I told him everything, grateful that I could have such a wonderful person in my life. Without him I would be at home, locked in my room slicing my arms open. This time it would have probably landed me in the hospital. But I wouldn’t be in the hospital I wouldn’t be cutting myself because Alex was there for me.

A/N: again if there are any words implying that jack is a girl tell me and I'll fix them. :) Also should be updating And I'm Screaming for Something soon.

pairing: jack barakat/alex gaskarth

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