Melt The Sugar

Apr 21, 2008 14:29

Title: Melt The Sugar
Author: darkbluerain
Rating: PG-17 for cursing.
Pairing: Jalex (new favorite pairing :] )
Summary: Jack has been sneaking glances at a certain bandmate of his, and Tom Falcone decides to give him a 'helpful' shove towards making a move.
Disclaimer: It no happen, bishies. Though if they were gay, I could totally see them being a couple. Cut and title belong to The Summer Obsession.
Author Notes: I'm just posting like a beast on here, aren't I? This is totally my new favorite comm. I'm thinking of writing a Jalex series. Watcha think? Oh, and let's just pretend it's June and that CIWWAF's new album is about to hit shelves, m'kay? If you spot any errors, please point them out to me so I can fix them.

When you are
a) in All Time Low
b) gay
c) friends with Cute Is What We Aim For
d) all of the above
some things are just unavoidable. Awkward situations for instance. Drunken stupors. Sex with bandmates. The simple things that spice up one's life when boredom sets in.

And so began the day of Jack Barakat. At first things are tranquil. A copy of The Bus Driver Who Wanted To Be God is propped up on the jug of orange juice in front of him, a granny smith apple in one hand while the other turns pages. Occasionally his gaze wanders over to Alex. The boy is currently asleep on the couch, shirtless and still wearing the same jeans from the previous day.
And not just 'ooh look at him he's sexy' gorgeous. I'm talkin' 'Jack is about to rip off his pants and fuck him senseless'.
Yeah, that kind of gorgeous.
Knocking on the door breaks Jack's concentration and rouses Alex from sleep.
Double damn.
The disturbance turns out to be none other than Thomas Falcone, in a hoodie that slightly smelled like weed. He's smiling like mad and flips back a few stray strands of hair.
"Morning gents. I'm sure you remember what tonight is."
Alex yawns and scratches his neck. "Tuesday night?"
With an indignant huff Tom crosses his arms across his chest.
They've forgotten.
"The release party for Rotation. Surely you two goodhearted gentlemen will be there."
The two young boys glance at each other and then back at the shorter man. "I dunno Tom. Remember what Shaant told us the release party for Blood Rush was like?"
"He exaggerates. Mike didn't really chug half a bottle of champagne. It was more like a quarter. So, in or out boys? Do it for me. Please?" At this point Tom has abandoned his formal air and has the look of a pleading eight year old plastered on his face.
Alex sighs and shakes his head. "If we say no, you're going to beg, so I guess we will. You in Jack?"
Jack looks back and forth between the two men, realizing he's either going to end up staying at home by himself while becoming re-acquainted with his right hand or partying until he fainted.
He opted for the second choice.
"Alright, somebody call up Rian and Zack."

Just as Jack predicts, things are rowdy and raucous as hell. He's almost tempted to join the dancing train Rian has started with the TAI boys and Joe Lussa, but he decides against it. However, getting drunk isn't on his list of don'ts, and he is occupied with that when Alex saunters over and slides into the seat across from him.
"How can you possibly not be partying right now? You're usually like, a party monster."
Jack's senses are fogged from the alcohol and his response begins with a fit of giggling.
"Mr. Gaskarth, I am currently getting myself very drunk. I suggest you join the lovely dancing train while I sit here."
Alex shrugs and grabs the bottle from Jack's hands. "If you're getting drunk, I'm getting drunk with you."
"No no, you will be setting a bad example for our second youngest band member."
They glance over at Zack, who is tongue wrestling with Flyzik. Bad example indeed.
Alex holds the bottle up in a salute and smiles. "Cheers, Barakat."

"Mother of fuck..."
These are the first words out of Jack's mouth when he wakes up in the morning with a hangover from hell. There's two Aspirin and a glass of water on the nightstand, and he's about to reach for it when he bumps someone else's leg under the blanket.
Oh dear Lord, I've had sex. Drunken sex, no less!
When he turns over, he comes face to face with none other than Alex. Things wouldn't be too bad if Alex were sound asleep, for then Jack could simply slip out of the room and nurse his hangover. But as luck would have it, Alexander William Gaskarth is wide awake and staring into Jack's wide, nervous eyes with his equally wide ones.
"Jack, I..."
Neither sentence is finished as the two continue to stare. Things couldn't possibly be any more awkward. Jack breaks the horrible silence by throwing the covers off and reaching for his clothes.
"Where are you going?"
"To talk to Tom."
Upon finding the aforementioned drummer in their kitchen, Jack leaps at him and attempts to claw his eyes out with his spidery fingers.
"You fuckfist! You let me get drunk last night! You had this all planned out, didn't you? Didn't you?"
After managing to wiggle out of the corner he was stuck in Tom grabs Jack's skinny wrists and holds them down. Jack attempts to bite him but fails miserably.
"Of course I planned it all out. Why do you think I begged?"
"I hate you."
"No, no you don't. You wanted to have sex with Alex. Now if I let you go, will you be a good little monster?"
Jack's wrists are released and he quickly tucks his hands in his pockets. "Of course I did, but not like that you sick fuck. I wanted to be sober at the time."
"Well, too late for that. See you later."
"What? You're going to leave, just like that?"
The newspaper that was tucked under Tom's arm is placed back on the counter and he heads for the door. "Places to be, little Barakitten. Make sure to tell me how things go over with Alex."
And with that Tom was out the door, leaving Jack scowling and entertaining fantasies of hitting him over the head with a cricket bat in his sleep. He turns around and sees Alex standing in the doorway to the bedroom, his hair all over the place, a slight smirk playing on his lips. "So, are things going to be weird now? Or is this going to happen more often?"
Jack drags him over by his belt loops and pecks him on the lips with a roll of his eyes.
"Cheers, Alexander."

author: darkbluerain, pairing: jack barakat/alex gaskarth, standalone, rating: r

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