In Which Danny Stevens Makes Breakfast The Most Interesting Meal Of The Day

Apr 19, 2008 19:37

Title: In Which Danny Stevens Makes Breakfast The Most Interesting Meal Of The Day
Author: darkbluerain
Rating: PG-15
Pairing: Danny Stevens/Alex Gaskarth
Summary: Danny shows Alex how to make pancakes the Stevens way.
Disclaimer: None of it happened [then again...nah, didn't happen.] Cut text belongs to my favorite Allister song.
Author Notes: Oh buddy. You do not know how excited I was when I stumbled across this place. I've also posted this on auditionslash and alltimelowfics, so it's nothing new, but I love it just the same.

The last thing Alex Gaskarth expected to wake up to on a Friday morning was the weight of a long haired twenty-one year old on his chest. Opening his eyes, he meets the gaze of Danny Stevens, a wild grin on his face. Alex makes a mental note to beware of who he gives spare keys to.
"What's the story, morning glory?"
A loud yawn escapes Alex's mouth and he sits up, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. As well as he can sit up with Danny perched on his torso, that is. He runs a hand through his disheveled hair.
"How did you manage to get into my place, and what are your intentions?"
Danny dangles a set of keys in front of his face on a Jack's Mannequin keychain. "Stole Jack's spare. My intentions? Breakfast."
"Pancakes, to be specific."
Pushing Danny off his body, Alex swings his legs over the side of the bed and heads over to his closet. A quick glance at the clock tells him it's only eight in the morning. What was the point in dressing if he didn't have to go anywhere for another six hours? A pair of black skinny jeans soon made their way up his legs and he turns toward Danny as he buttons them shut. Knowing Danny, pancakes would become quite the messy business, meaning a shirt was useless.
"Are you sure you don't want to make something safer? A Hot Pocket? A gingerbread Poptart, even."
Either pancakes are the new black or Danny's got a craving like a girl on her time of the month, because he crosses his arms and the most determined look Alex has ever seen adorns his face. No words are needed.
"Pancakes it is, then."
The serious look is instantly replaced with that of a child allowed to run free in a candy store. "Sweet!"
Danny's shirt soon joins Alex's on the floor as the two boys head to the kitchen. Now that Alex thought about it, this could be mighty interesting. The taller of the two easily reaches up into Alex's topmost cabinet [the one that Alex usually sits on the counter to reach] and pulls out a bag of pancake mix, a mischievous glint in his eyes.
"Let the fun begin, Gaskarth."

Thirty minutes and one pancake batter fight later, a finished plate of delicious breakfast treats lay on the table in front of the two boys, all covered with whipped cream and whatever random fresh fruits happened to be lying around Alex's kitchen.
"Well, we should eat them before everything gets cold, I suppose."
Alex makes a move to head for the table, but Danny grabs him by the arm and spins him back around. "Hold up Alex. We can't just let all of this deliciousness go to waste."
Alex quirks an eyebrow. "Danny, I was headed towards the pancakes, in case those baby blues of yours didn't notice."
Danny shakes his head and brings Alex closer so that they're almost chest to chest.
"Not the pancakes."
Before Alex can even blink his back is pressed against the cold metal of the sink and Danny is looming over him with an even crazier grin than the one Alex had woken up to.
"The batter."
Not even a second later and Danny is attacking Alex's torso with his tongue, licking up the sweet substance that was covering Alex's skin. The younger boy tries to suppress a moan, but fails miserably. Danny smiles and licks up to the base of Alex's throat, planting a small kiss there once he's removed the last bit of batter. Danny himself is still covered, but Alex's body is now clean, besides the trail of Danny's saliva up his chest.
"Now, how about that breakfast?"
Now it's Danny who makes a move for the pancakes, but is held back by one of Alex's strong hands.
"Who says you get to have all the fun, Stevens? By the look of you, you could use a cleaning yourself."

author: darkbluerain, rating: pg-13, standalone, pairing: alex gaskarth/danny stevens

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