The City That Reads [4/4]

Mar 16, 2010 20:13

Title: The City That Reads
Author: summerdownturn 
Rating: PG-13 [Overall]
Pairing: Alex Gaskarth/Jack Barakat
POV: Jack's then Alex's
Summary: "Baltimore's quiet and cold, and there's no ship in the bay to take me back home in time for the holiday..."
Disclaimer:  I do not own any of the people in this story, they rightfully belong to themselves. This is purely fiction and never happened to my knowledge in real life. Please don't sue. I don't own the lyrics or song to The City That Reads by The Graduate or Running From Lions by All Time Low.
Warning: Unbeta-ed. Language.
Dedications: redhotshorty because she's still the best BFFL =]
Author Notes: This is based off of a song by The Graduate called The City That Reads. Go check it out. Last chapter. What can I say? It's been fun =] Please enjoy.

(Previous Chapters)

Jack’s POV

I was sweating my balls off; this place was so fucking hot! The way the crowed cheered as I struck the first chord of our opening song made me relax and remember why I love performing and why I love this band. And all thoughts of Alex hating me vanished when he looked over at me in the middle of Memories That Fade Like Photographs.

One look said it all and soon I found myself smiling. It was nice knowing that we were still friends. And that fact made me play with more enthusiasm than ever before. I smiled in accomplishment as I overcame that one chord change that I hadn’t been able to get. And as soon as I knew it, The Girl’s A Straight-Up Hustler ended. The song before the last. And the new song was being introduced.

“Okay this is going to be our last song for the night,” Alex said, getting disapproval from the audience that he shushed down. “I wrote it when I was on vacation in Great Britain; it’s called Running From Lions. I hope you enjoy it,” he smiled. I loved his smile.

Rian started playing the intro and soon we all followed. I listened intently for Alex to sing and focused on the lyrics when he started.

“Get me out of this place, before I cause more damage
A small price to pay for building houses out of match sticks
And when things get too hot, you’ve got me to blame
For every fire that breaks out in every lover’s name

Don’t forget we’ve got unfinished business
Stories yet to unfold, tales that must be retold
And I regret not knowing when to put an end to all this madness
Keeps me wanting, keeps me wanting more

Sell me out; I’m yesterday’s old news, phrases left on paper
Black ink bleeding though, the pages where we made our history
Call me foolish, I feel hopeless

Running from lions never felt like such a mistake
Running from lions never felt like such a mistake
Running from lions never felt like such a mistake
Running from lions never felt like such a-

Don’t forget we’ve got unfinished business
Stories yet to unfold, tales that must be retold
And I regret not knowing when to put an end to all this madness
Keeps me wanting, keeps me wanting
Keeps me wanting, keeps me wanting more.”

He looked at me once the song was over, and I felt my heart skip a few beats.

We left the stage and no one said anything, just letting the cheers of the audience burn into our memories, until we got back stage. Alex came up to Rian, Zack, and I, smiling from ear to ear.

“Well, how did you guys like it?” He asked all of us but I felt it being directed more towards me. Rian was first to speak.

“That was amazing!”

“Yeah, really dude! Freaking brilliant!” Zack agreed and Alex shifted his eyes towards me.

I smiled. “It was really nice,” I nodded, getting lost in his eyes which lit up five times brighter. I felt Zack shove me for just saying that it was just ‘nice’. But I wasn’t talking to him now was I? I felt something connect between Alex and I, not know what it was yet, but knowing that it felt amazing. Nothing could top tonight.

Alex’s POV

Jack and I made up from our unspoken fight, and things never could have felt any better. Well, it could have felt just a little better. Because we went back to being best friends. And things would be more better if we went to being more then just best buds. But right now, I wasn’t one to complain. I had my best friend back and that’s all that mattered for the moment.

We slept over Jack’s house that night, exhausted from our best performance so far. And we were going to stay the night after too, since it was New Year’s Eve.

Jack was having a party at his house to watch the ball drop at midnight, introducing a brand new year to make something of ourselves.

It was five minutes until midnight and we were all gathered around Jack’s living room TV. Jack and I were on the couch, Rian and Zack both sitting in chairs next to us, Jack’s younger sister was sitting on the floor looking up at the TV, and Jack’s parents and older brother were standing behind Rian.

As I looked around, I couldn’t help but feel amazed and accomplished that I achieved such great friends like these guys. Our band was slowly but surely going somewhere and I couldn’t help but think of the future I could have with the band.

Jack looked over to me and smiled, only 2 more minutes left. I giddily looked back at him and returned his smile. His eyes glazed over for a moment like he was thinking of something. But the life returned and he hesitantly took my hand in his.

I looked down at our intertwining hands. Emotions rushed back into my head that I had forced out but I could hold no longer. Time began to slow down as I looked back up, blushing. He still held his smile, afraid no longer of confronting me with the truth of that Friday night which seemed like forever ago. I smiled brightly as I looked into his eyes.

Neither of us moved an inch as our friends around us stood up, waiting for the final countdown.

Five. They all shouted simultaneously as the ball began to drop. Jack inched closer to me as I did the same.

Four. We moved closer to one another.

Three. Even closer and one of his hands moved to my waist.

Two. We let go of our intertwined hands. I placed mine on the back of his neck and he placed his on my cheek.

One. Our lips were almost touching, just a fraction of an inch away from their destination. I drowned out all of the excitement around us and focused purely on Jack.

Happy New Year! I could barely hear everyone scream as our lips met, kissing with so much passion, and I could hear my heart beat ringing in my ears and felt his underneath my hand. They beat as one until we broke the kiss.

Jack rested his forehead on mine. “Happy New Year, Alex,” he whispered, smiling.

I couldn’t resist but smile too. “Happy New Year, Jack.”

Oh December never ends…

***A/N2: The End!!! Everytime I read that last scene it makes me go, "Awwww~". I wasn't so sure on using Running From Lions but in a way I think it fits. I think it's one of those songs that takes a while to sink in. Anyways, I hoped you enjoyed it!!! Oh and can you say "angsty sequal in the making"? =] 

pairing: jack barakat/alex gaskarth, rating: pg-13, chaptered: the city that reads, author: summerdownturn

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