Easy Tiger [1/?]

Mar 16, 2010 22:18

Title: Easy Tiger [1/?]
Author: Who else? ;)
Rating: PG for now ;D
Pairing: Merrikat
Summary: Because going against the rules is all the more fun...
Disclaimer: Don't own anything apart from the storyline, title and cut belongs to Kids In Glass Houses:)
Dedications: My mommy, cos she's buying me kigh tickets for easter o: yeah she's that awesome.
A/N: Ohmigod, new fic time?! tis true people :D
i don't know where i'm going with this, so bear with me. i'll try and post soon, but it's me, so yeah.

Jack felt his head spin as he tried to focuse his gaze on the blurred scenery flying past the car window. The fabric of the seatbelt was cutting into his side a little bit, from being slumped against the car door for so long. Jack didn't care, he was trying his best not to think of what was happening and where he was going. Summer vacation is meant to be fun, right? That's what Jack thought, hanging out with your friends, soaking up the sun, you know, average stuff any normal teenager would do on their summer vacation. But this year was different. Ever since it happened, no one had looked at Jack in the same way. His mother thought it would be best if he went to church camp for the duration of his treasured spring break, just in case. Like it would make any difference.
Jack loved the summer, it was his favourite time of the year. He loved it more than christmas and his birthday put together. And to have it just taken away like that was like someone asking to borrow one if his ribs for a year. It was the only chance he got to really enjoy everything around him, and to appreciate life. No, Jack wasn't happy about this at all. I mean, he wasn't gonna be alone, his cousin Cassie was going to be there. She went every year, how she managed to survive Jack didn't know. She was the preppy, goody two shoes type, the one who always made sure her shoes were clean for school the next day. Church camp was just the stereotypical thing you expected Cassie to go to, but not Jack. He was an atheist, religion to him meant nothing more than a page in a notebook or a leaf on the ground. He didn't have anything against Christians or anybody religious for that matter, just the whole idea seemed unrealistic to him.
Jack shifted the weight of his body onto his other arm, turning his back on the window and leaning towards his seemingly unfazed mother. She looked so calm, oblivious to how this was affecting Jack. She suddenly turned to face Jack slightly, a small smile spreading across her face. Jack didn't even attempt to fake happiness, he simple closed his eyes slowly and sighed heavily. This was going to be a long summer, he just hoped he would find something to distract him...

A/N 2: Sorry for the shortness. And this fails, im a bit rusty, so yeah.

author: shanniscreamo, chaptered: easy tiger, pairing: zack merrick/jack barakat, rating: pg

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