I Can't Do The 1,2 Step 14/16

Nov 22, 2009 18:48

Title: I Can't Do The 1,2 Step
Author: desperate2break
Rating: g
Pairing: Caleb Turman/Zack Merrick
Summary: Caleb's getting married to a woman. He loves her. But then he meets Zack and has to relearn the definition of love...
Warnings: Graphic language use, sexual scenes, angst, humour, fluff
Disclaimer: Own everything in the world cuz I'm the Queen of Everything. Seriously. No wait, I DO own Kate
POV: Third
Author Notes: I'm sorry it's taken so long to update. My mum's been niggling me and I wanna die. Unfotunately I can't cuz I have exams soon so...
Also, I am so sorry. I just had to put him in because I love him.

Caleb raps his fingertips three times on the wooden table. Then he drums them. Then he raps them. Then he -


He glances up agitatedly; it becomes sheepish as he realises Kate's father, Charles, is staring disapprovingly at him.
'Yes, Sir,' he croaks. He clears his throat.

Kate's stepbrother rolls his eyes and leans over to point at the thatched archway standing in the grass. 'You're getting married under that.'

'Oh.' Caleb throws an uneasy look of thanks to Nick, which the man responds to with a grin.
Caleb has always favoured Nick Santino over any other member of Kate's family; he is cheerful and nice, yet so different from Kate and her mother it's welcomed.

'Dad, I'm gonna take Caleb for a walk around the grounds,' Nick announces, standing up. He beckons to the redhead and glances back at his parents, stifling a laugh as he hears his stepmother say to Kate: "Now, dear, about your wedding night..."

The minute they get a few metres away, Nick bursts into laughter. 'Can't believe they think she's still a virgin.'

'Hey! It's...Possible,' Caleb tries. And fails. 'Y'know, if we were still fifteen. Anyway, how are things on the girlfriend front for you; the wedding's two days away - got a date yet?'

'Nope; looks like I'm flying solo.' Nick shrugs and runs a hand through his auburn hair. 'Oh well. Worse things have happened to better people.'

Caleb nods. He likes that saying; yet when he reflects on last night with Zack, he cannot believe how it could be true. This decision to be made is the most difficult thing he has ever had to do.
Then he blinks. For the first time it seems like everything is clearer; brighter - like a screen has been lifted from his eyes. For a long time, he has known what he has to do but now...Now the answer is painfully crystal clear.

'Please don't make me wear pink,' Nick pleads, casting a grimace in the direction of his family.

'It's not up to me,' Caleb laughs, slapping the man's back. 'Gotta go beg Katie - and even then, it's her dream day; nothing is going to come between her and her ideal wedding.'

'Ah,' Nick says dismissively. 'Just gotta give him head.'

Caleb almost chokes on his spit as he does a double take, eyes bugging out of his head. 'What?'

'I said, just gotta use my head. She'll come around.'

Caleb shakes his head and tries to still his raging heartbeat. That was weird. He looks around the field and hunches his shoulders.
The plan was that the ceremony was to be conducted in the church and then the bouquet thrown under the archway. Guests would be filed out into the field and there would be no dancing, thankfully.

Kate wiggles over, beaming, and wraps her arms around her fiancee's waist. She sighs. 'Isn't this so exciting? I can't wait to become your wife - Mrs Kate Turman.' She giggles. 'Sounds like I should have ten kids already!'

Caleb smiles cautiously and hugs her tight. ''S gonna be amazing, Katie.'
He looks down into her big brown eyes and presses a kiss to her forehead.

'I know all about last night, Caleb,' she says, suddenly serious.

The redhead's heart stops and he lets go of her. 'W-what?' He can feel himself shake.

'John told me all about it -'


Kate looks impatient. 'Your. Stag. Night,' she says slowly and clearly, as though talking to someone who was utterly deficient.

'Oh!' Caleb pinkens. 'John said what?'

'Something about strippers and whatever. Listen, Cayley. I know it's your last night of freedom but - '

'Kate.' He takes hold of her face and tries to look into her eyes. He settles for her forehead instead. 'I don't know what John's talking about because I don't want a stripper. I'm just going to sleep and wake up and marry you.'

'Will you spend the night with Zack, then?'

'What? Why? Why would I do that?' he gabbles insanely.

'Because you're, like, best friends. Honey, are you feeling okay? You're acting a little...Moronic.'

'I - I'm fine. Probably this wedding shit. I'll be glad when it's over.'

Kate nods.


Zack stares at the ceiling as he lies on the bedroom floor.
There are 59 hours left until the wedding.

rating: pg-13, chaptered: i can't do the 1 2 step, author: desperate2break, pairing: zack merrick/caleb turman

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