Dirty Little Secret

Nov 22, 2009 01:17

Title: Dirty Little Secret 9/?
Author: new_againxo
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Alex/Jack
Summary: Jack doesn't believe in love. Not at all. He works in the pornography industry and he thinks nothing of sex. Alex is his newest victim - Jack's never met anyone like him.
Disclaimer: I don't own these guys. I never will. I swear.
A/N: I don't really have anything to say... (:

Jack’s concerned. Alex hasn’t exactly been very responsive for the past two days. He lies in bed all day, only eating if Jack forces him to. Jack just can’t figure out what’s made the kid so depressed. So he just decides that seriously, enough is enough, and asks him straight out.

“Why are you being such a little drama queen?”

He regrets it almost immediately. Alex sits up and gives him the most pissed off look he’s ever seen anyone make. If looks could kill…He still surprises Jack, however, with a short answer.

“Shut up.”

“Excuse me?”

“Don’t ask me why I’m being a drama queen. If you cared enough, you would have asked me about it two days ago.”

His response hits Jack hard - Jack thought about asking… he just felt too awkward.

“I… Well I’m sorry, if you haven’t noticed by now, talking about feelings makes me uncomfortable.”

“Oh, I’ve noticed. You just… you’re impossible.”

“Fine,” Jack says, making a quick decision. “Let’s talk.” He sits down at the end of Alex’s bed and looks intently at him.

“Talk about what.”

“Why are you so upset?”

“I don’t know…”

“I’m your friend, you can talk to me.”

“I’ve never had a friend,” Alex admits. “But I’m pretty damn sure that you would not be considered a friend. You kidnapped me.”

“You’ve never had a friend? Seriously?” Jack asks, shocked. He completely ignores the slight insult that Alex included in his sentence.

“I don’t know, I just never made any… kids thought I was weird because I had an accent and then I just … kept to myself.”

“For 18 years? What about before you moved from England? Weren’t you like, 8 years old?”

“How’d you know - oh, right. You know pretty much everything about me,” Alex remembers.

“Not the little details.”

Jack’s surprising himself - the normal him would not be doing this. He shouldn’t be trying to get to know Alex - it’s not like they’re supposed to be friend or anything… All he’s supposed to be doing is make him a porn star. But Jack knows just by looking at him that that’s not what Alex is supposed to do… Not even close. And it’s beginning to scare him. What if he can’t do it? What if he suddenly gets a conscience and feels bad about taking away Alex’s innocence?

“You know my dad abused me…” Alex starts, his voice quiet and slightly muffled by the pillow he’s holding over his face. Jack reaches over and pulls it away.

“What’d he do to you?”

“I don’t want to talk about what he did,” Alex states, tolling over so his back is to Jack. Jack should probably learn some boundaries.

“Fine… So then tell me something that you think I will definitely not know.”

Alex groans in frustration. “I can’t think of anything! Oh - I wear glasses.”

Jack’s eyes widen and a small smile appears on his face. “Then why have I never seen you with them?”

“Because I look like an idiot.”

“So you’d rather be blind? I get it,” Jack says, sarcasm evident.

“No… I don’t need them really badly… my eyesight’s not that bad yet.”

“Show me what you look like with them on.”

At first Jack’s sure that Alex will say no, but once again he surprises him when he reaches over to the bedside table and opens the drawer. He pulls out a pair of black framed glasses that make Jack smile even wider for some strange reason. When he places them on his face, Alex blushes.

“Those are adorable,” Jack says, and he regrets it the second the words leave his mouth. What is he doing?

“Really?” Alex asks, hopeful. Nobody ever complimented him on his glasses. Most of the kids in his school just made fun of him.

“Yeah… Can you wear them all the time?”

“No… No I’m not wearing them all the time. I hate them.”

“But I like them.”

“I don’t care.”

Alex moves to take the glasses off, but Jack stops him. “Leave them on for now, at least?”

Jack’s not sure why he’s saying these things - why he’s encouraging Alex, making it as if he cares. But he knows he has to boost his confidence somehow, and this seems like a good enough way.

“Fine,” Alex says after a few seconds of debating. “But I’m not wearing them out of this room.”

“Fine by me.” Jack lies down beside Alex and pulls him close. This is all he can think of as a way to build his confidence.

“You know… you’re the only one who’s ever like… acted like they care somewhat in the past 2 years. I mean, sometimes I feel like you don’t care, but then you go and do things like tell me my glasses are adorable, and tell me to relax and that I’m doing everything fine and I just… thanks, I guess is what I’m trying to say.”

Jack doesn’t respond. He simply wraps his arm around Alex in a comforting embrace - or, at least he hopes it’s comforting. Alex sighs; by now he knows that that’s the best answer he’s going to get. He pulls the glasses off his face and goes to put them back into the drawer, but he hesitates. He stares at them for a few seconds, and then decides to set them next to his alarm clock instead.

Jack smiles.


“Cute glasses. Where’d you get them?” Zack asks when he sits down next to Alex for lunch. He takes a sip of the water bottle he got before looking back at Alex for his answer.

“I uh… I always had them,” Alex responds, a light blush creeping up his face. He knew it was a bad idea to wear them.

“Oh. I like them. Hey, where’s Jack?”

“He said he had to plan something and that he’d meet me here…”

Alex is vaguely aware that it’d Friday and that Jack had mentioned something about going out, but he’s not getting his hopes up - although it would be nice to actually find out where the hell he is - state wise.

“Oh, he’s with John, then. I don’t know what they’re planning, exactly, but it should be fun. I hope my dad lets me go out tonight.”

“Yeah…” Alex agrees softly and stares down at his bagel. He’s not very hungry. Maybe it’s because he’s nervous. Or maybe it’s just because he’s wearing glasses and everyone is probably staring at him and laughing. Yeah, that must be it.

“So how are you and Jack getting along?”

“Oh… fine.”

“Doesn’t sound too convincing,” Zack laughs. “Have you two like… I’m gonna try and make this not sound awkward…. Have you two done anything yet?”

Alex’s eyes widen and the classic look of innocence comes back. “What?”

“You know what I mean.”

“I… yeah… w-we have.”

“Oh do tell.”

“What? No, I’m not telling you,” Alex mutters, the embarrassment clearly evident.

“Come on Alex. No big deal. You can tell me. I’m your friend, remember?”

Alex has to wonder why suddenly, at a place like this, he as friends. It’s strange, he decides, but he might as well embrace it while he can. “We um… we’ve just kissed and stuff… you know…”

“And stuff? Clarify, please?”

“Well, nothing… I just meant that … I …”

“Chill, Alex,” Zack says in amusement. “You don’t have to elaborate if you don’t want to.”

Alex sighs in relief. He was beginning to get extremely uncomfortable. “Okay…”

“Me and John didn’t have sex till we were dating for like, 4 months.”

Alex nearly chokes on his water. Why the hell was Zack sharing this information with him?

“Oh… well that’s-”

“Oh hey,” Zack interrupts, standing from the table. “I actually was supposed to meet my dad two minutes ago. I have to talk to him about going out tonight. I’ll see you later, yeah?”

“Oh, um - yeah, yeah I’ll see you later.”

Alex can’t help but feel relived as he watches Zack leave. That was quickly becoming an extremely awkward situation. But it also made him think - what would it be like to have sex with Jack?

“Shit,” he mumbles under his breath, and he shakes his head of those thoughts.

“Are you talking to yourself?”

Alex jumps at the voice that speaks just to his right, and when he looks up, Jack and John are seated at the table. Jack looks amused.

“No, I’m just thinking-”

“Yeah… sure.”

Jack winks at him, and once again, Alex is questioning everything.

pairing: jack barakat/alex gaskarth, rating: pg-13, author: new_againxo, chaptered: dirty little secret

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